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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Just don't expect me to bake you a wedding cake. Sybil, who is a lawyer, engineer, candlestick maker and cake decorator most likely feels differently. Try him out.
  2. That's so hard to believe. All along I just thought that having an extra 1.5 million voters in LA County was just a rounding error.
  3. You insult me but shame yourself. I'm not going to prove a negative to you. In fact, TYTT might have hit the nail right on the head when he said you just weren't worth his effort. I know you aren't worth mine.
  4. 3rd Chair doesn't realize that he's just one of a long line of libs who have come down here with a superiority complex thinking he's going to show us what's up. He, along with the others are nothing more than Tibs, with slightly better spelling and grammar.
  5. Now that's just a crockofshit on your part. You made your entrance here as a gigantic douche and you've received crap from nearly everyone here.
  6. Makingshit up, eh? You couldn't prove me wrong in court even if you had DNA evidence. a video and my confession. BTW, does the 3rd chair even get a microphone?
  7. I'm not going to open that link. Not only have I previously heard the news but anything that has Hillary and running in the same sentence has to be fake. Up your game!
  8. You have to ask why I and others mock you? You came here bragging that you are a bigtime lawyer with a fancy vehicle. You then proceeded to denigrate long-term members of the board and their efforts because their politics didn't align with your politics. You didn't offer anything to rebut except a cavalier attitude and a propensity for being lazy by refusing to educate yourself. Your approach to discussion here is to deride other's efforts while providing nothing in return. You've shown that you are either a shitass lawyer or you're lying about being one.
  9. Don't you know that it is illegal for you to read it on your own? A member of the approved media has to read it to you just as a priest had to read and interpret the Bible to you back in the day.
  10. They only had to show him a picture of that Lebanese Prime Minister's mistress.
  11. Once you were 3rd chair. You had your cup of coffee in AA ball. Something you can always tell your grandchildren.
  12. That was my take on it too. I can only describe Nancy's way of speaking as "halting".
  13. Uh, while the democrats fiddled, Trump was doing something about drug prices.
  14. Did the Crowdstrike server and Joe Biden get mentioned at the same time? Which got mentioned first and in conjunction with "a favor"? If they weren't mentioned at the same time, how much conversation happened between the time they were individually brought up?
  15. One blockage? Sounds like a stent is in order. From a patient's viewpoint it's a piece of cake except for the laying still afterwards.
  16. It's obvious you aren't the attorney referred to earlier as the one that gets to dot the i's and cross the t's. You don't capitalize much and skip your periods often, 3rd Chair. Regardless, your posting here is sloppy, lazy and inconsistent. It's no wonder you only got one shot at 3rd chair in a trial.
  17. That police chief looks quite a bit like Eric Lassard of Police Academy.
  18. Do you wonder why you've only sat in the 3rd chair once? Everything you post here errs on the side of ignorance or less knowledge than what is necessary.
  19. Damn, self-checkout takes away the ability to socialize in the check out aisle. I'm going to miss those stimulating conversations with the person behind me that wants to comment on the weather, and the person in front of me who wonders why I'm buying Imodium.
  20. It would be easier to get to the bottom of this by simply tossing those briefs.
  21. He's being identified as a whistleblower but appears to be nothing other than a shill representing members of the deep state.
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