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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. This is why you will always be 3rd Chair. The 1st whistleblower committed perjury and the 2nd whistleblower supposedly has limited knowledge. We have the transcript which is basically first hand knowledge. Hell, I could be a more knowledgeable whistleblower than those partisan hacks. If we cloned you we could field The Bad News Bears of Attorneydom.
  2. While I agree with the move regarding TT and was also thrilled with the pick we received, I for one would rather be Tom Brady's valet than retrace steps that Tom Arnold has taken.
  3. I haven't seen such hatred since Will Scarlett had a thing for his half brother. Tyrod is not a QB you win the SB with, but have you explored the possibility that the Bills might still be undefeated this year due to a managed offense and superior defense? Don't get me wrong, Josh Allen is THE Bills QB but the hate in you is strong, Gugny.
  4. There's no love lost for Joe Biden here but to accuse him of fake tears and sadness over the loss of his son is really out of your purview. Even rats mourn when their offspring get sucked in by the possibility of free cheese.
  5. My understanding is that the 2nd WB is Christine Blasey Ford's husband. Other possible whistleblowers include Cenk Uygur and Ilhan Omar's 5th husband/brother.
  6. Well, the first whistleblower committed perjury. They needed someone who may have legitimately passed their background check. Or if not that, at least not be on the no-fly list.
  7. You can think of him as Ben Franklin or Beginner's Mind if you wish. After all, it's different strokes for different folks. BF was a stud in the French Court while BM is rather fond of poetry. Regardless of which one you pick, tiptoeing through the tulips seems appropriate.
  8. Possibly the biggest scandal in U.S. history doesn't deserve the oversight of the Attorney General?
  9. HA! You'll be thinking with your small head, more commonly known as a dick. Do you realize what that means? Your last thoughts will be of John Adams.
  10. He might be, but has many other aliases to carry on his nonsense.
  11. I don't think you, I or anyone else has a mandate to make that judgement. It's well above our paygrade.
  12. Seeing her equipped like that makes me think of BANG, BANG.
  13. I think I'll have just enough energy left to blurt out: FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. What a crock. Kamara has already committed to Spencer Strasmore and KC.
  15. Seems like some were omitted: https://www.bing.com/search?q=russian+donations+to+the+clinton+foundation&form=PRHPC1&pc=HCTE&mkt=en-us&httpsmsn=1&refig=92686d37a61d4673809589fdb03fc3ae&sp=-1&ghc=1&pq=russian+donations+to+the+clinton+foundation&sc=3-43&qs=n&sk=&cvid=92686d37a61d4673809589fdb03fc3ae
  16. So, you consider the system of landlords and tenants as it pertains to Ireland at the time as pure capitalism? You might want to learn to code.
  17. Yours is just a nickname but mine is an actual screen name, and for clarities sake it has nothing to do with football. They're short term rentals with no lease requirements.
  18. Why do you even bring this up? All one has to do is drive through CA's agricultural lands and they will see that they are populated by huge holdings, generally worked by immigrant labor. Other parts of the country, but not all, have smaller family owned farms along with the super farms thus distorting the percentages.
  19. What's the matter with you guys? That's Lena from Ray Donovan. She prefers women so I want no part of her unless she brings a friend to the party.
  20. Mr. Tibs, I see Tiberius is rubbing off on you. Are you also rubbing off on Tiberius?
  21. Do you have a link for that, because that's not what I heard?
  22. Haven't you heard of different strokes for different folks?
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