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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Yes, they are literally straddling the fence between East and West.
  2. My outrage is that someone with the clearance to be on the President's phone call leaked the contents of that call, or just made it up. Of course Newsweek could be just making this all up.
  3. Instead of boycotting, maybe they should just jew them down.
  4. More horseshit: http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/exclusive-official-who-heard-call-says-trump-got-rolled-by-turkey-and-has-no-spine/ar-AAIqDkW?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=HPDHP17 In a scheduled phone call on Sunday afternoon between President Trump and President Erdogan, Trump said he would withdraw U.S. forces from northern Syria. The phone call was scheduled after Turkey announced it was planning to invade Syria, and hours after Erdogan reinforced his army units at the Syrian-Turkish border and issued his strongest threat to launch a military incursion, according to the National Security Council official to whom Newsweek spoke on condition of anonymity. The U.S. withdrawal plays into the hands of the Islamic State group, Damascus and Moscow, and the announcement left Trump's own Defense Department "completely stunned," said Pentagon officials. Turkey, like the United States, wants regime change in Syria. Russia and Iran support the Assad regime. "President Trump was definitely out-negotiated and only endorsed the troop withdraw to make it look like we are getting something—but we are not getting something," the National Security Council source told Newsweek. "The U.S. national security has entered a state of increased danger for decades to come because the president has no spine and that's the bottom line."
  5. She likes bush. Looks like Antonin Scalia was with them.
  6. This was true, unless we agreed to a new Status of Forces Agreement with Iraq. Iraq was expecting us to do so, but Obama skedaddled. I didn't even have to look that up.
  7. Did you listen to the video? Nancy stated that Schiff quoted Trump's words verbatim. You know, I think I have it figured out. You are like the little kid who lies about getting into the goodies with those goodies all over your face.
  8. So now HAHA Gator is claiming that there never was any corruption in Ukraine. I wonder what he'll lie about next, the death of Americans? Oh, I meant to say "laugh" at the deaths of Americans.
  9. I know it. It's disgusting isn't it? https://dailycaller.com/2019/10/03/pelosi-schiff-ukraine-transcript-real/
  10. Sounds like a job for Ambassador Rodman.
  11. Sooner or later he's going to have to come up for a breath of air.
  12. I assume the series will be aired in October of 2020?
  13. Living inside your head is cheap but all I hear is a hollow sound. Be careful or I'll invent a machine to fold towels and put you out of work.
  14. Early in this conversation he bragged about once being a 3rd chair and winning a motion. That was what he saw as his major career accomplishments to date. Both JA and Koko derided him and even one of them said something along the lines of "that's what you brag to mom & dad about, not anyone else". It was about the same time that he was puffing up his chest about being a big time successful lawyer. He came here to straighten us out with his vast knowledge of politics and what is happening in DC. All he's done is expose his ignorance and hubris.
  15. He was an important cog in the team that went to the playoffs. He wasn't what we wanted for the future as his ceiling was basically just making the playoffs but he did contribute to getting us there. Josh Allen is our qb and has a cathedral ceiling compared to Tyrod's crawl space high ceiling. Our hopes are that Josh can take us to and win the SB but at this stage in their careers Tyrod would have won the game against NE that Josh lost. Don't blame Tyrod for the bad taste in you mouth when you talk about Roseanne Barr's charms in the same breath.
  16. You need to remember what you have previously stated. "Tons of motions" is not compatible with your former claims. Even John Adams made fun of you for stating that you won a motion, as if it was some major accomplishment. You're not dealing with a dumb jury here and can't bs your way. I guess in all fairness, you wouldn't know what it is like to deal with any jury. Do you still have a cheat sheet to remind you how the partners like their coffee?
  17. I guess winning a motion is high praise to you. Your response to me shows what little you have as far as facts go. Success is measured by actual accomplishments and you can only claim being 3rd Chair once, and winning a motion. You can only relive those glory days for so long, Al Bundy.
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