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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. If you want to be really believable you need to confirm your suspicions with a well placed rumor. How can you represent the MSM without confirming the newfound facts?
  2. That's what I meant by the country losing. We need the court to strike down DACA and then we'll be back where we were 2 years ago, with leverage to negotiate fair immigration reform.
  3. To the girl on the left (1st video) you might want to consider vertical stripes on that skirt rather than horizontal ones.
  4. Does she only wear white outfits, or is that just the same one all the time?
  5. Why are you so worried if even your very own Alfred E. Newmann would beat Trump?
  6. Either way the ruling is made, Trump temporarily gains but the country could lose. DACA has to be struck down and legislation needs to happen. The *****in dems had agreed to a deal and then backed off when a judge refused to let DACA be disbanded.
  7. TH3 against the world: "All you guys are nuts and I'm the only sane person here". "Stop that, quit talking to me". "They're after me, I know it". You're lucky that the commitment laws have been changed in the last few decades or you'd be getting fit for a straightjacket right about now.
  8. You are correct. 50% of Republicans approve of Trump. The other 45% don't necessarily approve of his antics but will vote for him. Whatever Independents and Democrats poll towards Trump add a considerable amount to those numbers. Black & Hispanic support should outdo anything in recent history. When it becomes apparent to the masses that all the democrats are working for is to thwart the USMCA, China trade deal and subvert the economy for their own political benefit, then there will be hell to pay at the polls.
  9. I read somewhere that amongst Republicans, Trump has a 95% approval rating. Add up the Independents who don't want their healthcare insurance taken away, illegal aliens to get free healthcare and an open border policy and the economy to fall apart and I think Trump wins 2020. Toss in the union democrats who feel Trump is standing up for them and I smell a shellacking. There's one reason and one reason only that the dems and media are fighting so hard for trying to damage Trump through this fake impeachment. They know they can't beat Trump. The opposition can keep making all this noise but I'm sitting back and saying, "we'll see".
  10. I know, the lure of money can be quite mesmerizing. My profession of servicing young starlets makes me filthy rich but somehow quite empty inside.
  11. On my deathbed I'm sure I'll look back and regret ever showing my daughter affection.
  12. While I disagree with you that all politicians are just up for a money grab, there certainly are a lot that use their government/policy influence to enrich themselves. I always thought that up until recently Uncle Joe made up for his lack of intellect by his basic decency. Looks like it just took him a little longer in the swamp to succumb.
  13. Where did all these Kurds die? It's not as if they took up positions on our southern border to hold off the hordes of the Central American invaders. We helped them win a war on their territory to their benefit. Granted, defeating ISIS is a good thing for the entire world but we are not responsible for the whole world. While I sympathize with the Kurds and some others in the ME we can never force our will and way of life on these other countries, we now don't have to. The USA is now energy independent and can influence other countries with our ability to alter energy prices. With that said, we tried to do this 80 years ago and felt the wrath of Japan for doing so. We were relatively militarily weak then so it should be a lesson to us that even though we can influence other countries with our energy and economic might, we must constantly be cognizant of the need to be able to back up our words with military might and prowess. No civilization/country/city state has become great without paying the price in blood for that greatness. We can't make other countries great by spilling our blood for them. We can give them a start but their own blood and perseverance is what's necessary for their ultimate success.
  14. Seriously, that's your take on what you posted/linked to? Trump busts Kerr's and Popovich's balls for their nonexistence stance on freedom and you look at it in that way? The TDS is strong with you.
  15. C'mon B-Man, I expected more from you. Do you really think Bill wanted Hillary to "do her job"? Even a giant, wet slurping sound coming from Hillary would be a turnoff on par with fingernails on a chalkboard or a Elizabeth Warren ***** the bankers speech.
  16. Republicans don't always view things the way some handler wants them to. Opinions are varied and discussion can be passionate. Democrats, on the other hand are like lemmings and will follow their leaders anywhere.
  17. How does a democrat spell "partisan hack"? "Whistleblower".
  18. Between Dumb and Dumber, which one was your father? Russia's social media efforts were solely to disrupt the election and weaken Hillary because they were convinced she would win. When Trump walloped her, they then went after him. It was all about weakening the Presidency rather than choosing a President. You know this though, since it has been explained to you many times.
  19. This is a benjo ditch in Japan where all genders can relieve themselves in public. Might this be a good solution for not only Chinese prisons but for all of the 67 different genders here in the USA? Brings a new stench to the great desire for equality doesn't it?
  20. I was thinking more like straddling continents.
  21. Looks like Bill directly behind her having his way with the sheep.
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