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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Read the whole thing. . While Trump is working hard on trying to improve our prosperity the Left is working hard on trying to subvert any progress. This while needing a tremendous boost in our economy to even gain a tiny bit of their proposed socialistic programs. "Realism", a word not in the Left's vocabulary.
  2. Dude, no fvcking kidding. It was a play on words meant to keep this thread in the garbage heap it deserves and maybe even send it to the heights of gatorman's underbelly. Curds and Whey vs. Kurds and Why?
  3. When we beat the Axis (certainly with the help of Russia) we generally chose to help those countries out by rebuilding them instead of raping their women and forcing them to join our union. Germany and Japan looked at each other, winked and said "we've found our mark". Our generosity is expected even though we are scorned for having the capacity to be so generous. Trump is trying to get the EU, NATO and others to realize that they have to contribute to their own defense in a fair way. They are the delinquent renter who cries out against eviction because he never had to keep current with his rent before. Well, times are changing. The USA is not a lottery winner. We've earned our prosperity on the backs and blood of our forefathers. Let's not forget that we need to earn our progeny their freedom and prosperity by doing our part.
  4. This conversation needs to return to some semblance of cohesion. What does an undersized football player have to do with the Kurds and Why?
  5. Shepherd Smith is a drama queen and will fit nicely in the welcoming arms of Don Lemon.
  6. Then the answer is to keep the QB in the pocket while the tailback gets collared and cuffed and the wideout gets pressed.
  7. "Just how alive do you want to be when you retire from Congress?"
  8. That would be Koch Brothers minus one. Did you miss an opportunity to laugh long and loud?
  9. And I bet those uniforms weren't any cheesier. They make a superior cheddar cheese in the state that has the best grass for feeding the cows that produce the milk.
  10. Here's the Left's champion showing the kind of knowledge we need to save the world: About 21:30 in.
  11. I guess that Never Trump Union didn't doshit for her, did it?
  12. We don't need to manufacture a reason for us to go to war with Iran, if that's what we wanted to do. Trump is going to use economic punishment instead of smart bombs to influence other countries to our will. We can now do this as an alternative to war since we have the military might to back it up and energy resources to point our middle finger at whoever we want. Isn't it nice to not have our military personnel dying for oil?
  13. Those troops were stationed where they were to temporarily prevent Turkey from going after terrorists on their border. Turkey, after a considerable amount of time and negotiation must have said ok, USA we're going to protect our border and you should move your troops because we're going in. They have a right to protect their border. Our 50 troops held off Turkey until the Kurds were better armed and prepared for this invasion. You're splitting hairs for no other reason than you have an agenda.
  14. Are you saying that repositioning 50 troops from the point of attack is going to cause the Kurds to not be able to defend themselves?
  15. Extra sharp Cuba Cheese at room temperature along with a good Shiraz or cold Yuengling would make Chef Jim's Napa Valley elites drool with envy.
  16. B-Man----tasty extra sharp cheddar from Cuba Cheese, right there in your neighborhood, eh?
  17. TYTT accused you of being pregnant. I'm not so sure you are what with the extreme PMS you show here.
  18. As a steamed chef your derision should be muted. In all seriousness NYS is known as producing the best cheddar variations. It's in the grass, which is superior to piker states like Wisconsin for cheese making.
  19. It's something of a long political article but once a person reads between the lines it gets lengthier.
  20. The little known composition of the Kurds who joined forces with Francis Marion, also known as the Swamp Fox made life miserable for general Cornwallis, taking his dogs in the process.
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