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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. I was just giving a tiny bit of consideration to responding to that idiot when your comments above were posted. Thanks for keeping me relatively clean.
  2. "Do me a favor with regards to that Crowdstrike thingy that is at the heart of the 2016 Russian collusion farce." "Oh, you want me to make up dirt on Joe Biden?" Makes sense if you were dumb before you got dropped on your head or if your mind is so addled by weed that you just ignore whole fields worth of facts.
  3. Transplant, I compared Trump's fundraising to 4 of your potential candidates. You "refuted" my statement with comparing it with 12 candidates. Being a lunch monitor must have put you in a bad mood.
  4. He might have raised an eyebrow but he wouldn't have lost it like some other "leaders" we know now, eh?
  5. Now that's not what I stated, is it? I know you have several of your second graders already with scholarships to Harvard but you might want to get them tutors in the pesky mathy things.
  6. Add them all up and they're not even in Trump's neighborhood.
  7. Yang wants a Value Added Tax which is the sneakiest way to take your money without you knowing it.
  8. If he's going to dress like Mao maybe he should take some advice from Hillary.
  9. It amazes me how good the photography was back then. Truly the cradle of civilization.
  10. We put up with a lot of crap here at PPP but usually give people at least somewhat of a chance to spew their nonsense and give their reasons why for a certain position. You, on the other hand come down here and are intentionally dishonest. Every time. Fvck off.
  11. It seems like horseshit on your part is more appropriate. Your pseudo comparison is like comparing bronco riding to dressage.
  12. Yes, but with a name like that he'd be certain to be bilingual and would be a lock to get hired by the Border Patrol, if he could cover up his gang tats that is.
  13. I'm a boater and I've come to the assistance of other people numerous times. Every single time it was because someone did something foolish. I think the last time was me heading right for another boat that didn't see the idiot in the water. I made him veer off and then I stood guard until his boat showed up. When I chastised them for tubing in a busy channel they said they were there because of the wakes from all the boats. Eric's knowledge of boats, if he ever had any, has been wiped from all of the diesel fumes he's lunched on over the years. Anyway never rely on him. He changes his mind more often than an Asian Carp wiggles its tail.
  14. FWIW, cop has resigned before he was fired. He's getting a dishonorable discharge and info is turned over to the DA for possible prosecution. Why do the cops always sweep everything under the rug?
  15. Some of you guys have your heads up your asses. Mistakes are sometimes made. While this is a tragedy and should be played out legally we have a country of 330 million people. Chances are we'll have a few "f" ups every day.
  16. HAHA Gator, you are one of the most ignorant creatures that have ever walked or crawled this earth. Along with the daily talking points given to you are you also given something to say to show the world just how fvcking stupid you are? Guliani cleaned up a city that was filthy dirty and rife with crime. From my visits there I saw it firsthand.
  17. Maybe if he dropped down a number he could find a position that just feels right.
  18. My guess is that you won't learn anything on the 12th or ever so I guess at least we're in partial agreement.
  19. I see your discussion skills haven't got any worse. Care to elaborate?
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