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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. I didn't see anywhere in that article what they were actually going to vote for. Seems to me as if they need to vote on an impeachment inquiry before impeachment. Like actually doing this in sunlight.
  2. 1 million dollars in 1975 would be worth about $4.84 million in 2019. Where did you get the figure from (60 million) that you are quoting? https://www.dollartimes.com/inflation/inflation.php?amount=1000000&year=1975 You are talking about things that you have no knowledge of at all. Borrowing money and using leverage is partially how fortunes are made. Other favorable attributes such as hard work and good ideas along with good timing are necessary too. While bankruptcy has bad connotations with the general public, there's much more to it than you obviously know. You are in way over your head and would be better served learning rather than trying to teach others what you don't know. Your TDS is strong but your ignorance is giving it a run for its money. I shudder to think that you actually teach our children.
  3. It doesn't matter when it's Manhattan real estate. I've had decades in the commercial real estate field mainly in finding locations and securing them for national & regional retailers. I say this not that it gives me any expertise in Manhattan itself, but I have been privy to certain specifics of the market and know that a million dollars wasn't some extraordinary amount in 1975. If you've ever been to Manhattan and shopped at the stores throughout the city you would have most likely noticed that all of the touristy type stores are like bowling alleys with very little street frontage but decent depth. They might be 1500 or 2000 s/f but at $150.00 s/f that's upwards of $300,000 a year in rent not considering any of the addons. This was 10-15 years ago so it could be much higher now. Development in Manhattan is extremely expensive so a million dollars isn't/wasn't jackshit, then or now. I think that was his IQ too.
  4. The Clinton Foundation hired people that Hillary would need for future campaigns. Part of its utility was to keep her people around.
  5. Both sides can be true and Gary, you know that. You're just trying to be a dick.
  6. Why do you bother trying to reason with him? That worm would come in last in a limbo contest.
  7. Jesus, Mary and Joseph? That fruit is even too low hanging for me to make a snide remark.
  8. Seriously, if you just came off a "bi-week" you might be a little confused about things too. As far as "knocking off a little rust" is that like a code phrase for something?
  9. Maybe we should lend our seat banging fan who single-handedly brought about a Bills victory yesterday, to the Jets.
  10. I'm against anybody shooting up, let alone the Bills line. I am a bit confused regarding which line you mean, OL or DL? You do know that the pros are routinely tested for drug use and we could get our whole line (whichever line you mean) suspended, don't you?
  11. I watched that and couldn't believe what little effort I saw. That was a catchable ball.
  12. To the OP: Read what you wrote, It would seem that it was more important to you to piss off the people around you than to "cheer the Bills on to victory". You admit that until they complained you weren't putting out your best efforts. If that's what it takes to make you a true fan then what kind of a fan would you be without their derision? You should seek them out and thank them for at least turning you into a faux super fan. In fact, you claim that we should thank you for the victory when it really was the people next to you that motivated you to bring about this victory. Let's give credit where credit is due. "So, I almost got kicked out of the game today. I was sitting in the Kelly Club section 212, stuffy crowd there. I was by far the loudest person in the section, but all I was really doing is pounding the empty seat in front of me and screaming defense on third downs. I was pretty quiet otherwise but the couple to the left of the seat I was pounding on wasn't appreciative of my enthusiasm. This couple asked me to stop pounding on the seat in a not so friendly fashion and I did not comply. I was not using vulgar language at all or being aggressive towards anyone other than the Dolphins. I was just a loud, passionate fan. The thing is, when these people tried to shut me up, I told them I'm just going to be as loud as possible on every defensive down from then on. I did not change what I was doing at all. I just began to pound on the empty seat in front of me on 1st and 2nd down as well as third when the Bills defense was on the field. I admit I was defiant when they told me to stop but what I said, almost verbatim when they tried to shut me up is, well I'm just going to be as loud as possible now."
  13. Please don't dive into the weed. Bob does enough of that for all of us. Of course his weed is purely medicinal and capable of medically solving all of the world's problems. Getting high off it is only a side effect.
  14. That post was not directed at you as much as it was directed at voters in general who have politicians give them tingles down their legs. Lighten up, if I was attacking you personally, you'd know it.
  15. https://www.bing.com/search?q=sunday+morning+lyrics+johnny+cash&qs=SS&pq=sunday+morning+lyrics&sc=8-21&cvid=8C3D544F18A741F495F16C964A46254C&FORM=QBRE&sp=1
  16. Ha! You know you are crazy and just spend your time here stalking "What About Bob" who still thinks that George Zimmerman chased down poor Trayvon, and savagely killed him like a dog.
  17. If you are voting because of personality you have no philosophical compass. I don't need a president to sit down and have a beer with me. I need a president to protect my beer and not give it away with a smile and pretty words.
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