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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. We knew how to win the battles but didn't have the heart or the courage politically to win the war. If you are going to go to war, get it over as quick and as complete as possible. In the long run that will save lives on both sides.
  2. How does that 18% compare to McCain in 2008 or Romney in 2012? My guess is that they are all pretty close because the election in NYC was not about the person bur about party affiliation.
  3. Gee, someone else who was an obnoxious little lying prick used to call me that too.
  4. I don't see it, but I guess as far as ignorance goes you should be an excellent judge, with tons of experience.
  5. You've already been called out for your dishonesty on this, why repeat it?
  6. You're forgetting when Pence once let his dog ride in the car with the window open. He also gave a perfect stranger a head cold. Nothing compares though with the time in 5th grade when he got in a shoving match with another kid during recess. Pence is damaged goods.
  7. Do you realize that you just said that arguing with Tibby is going to sharpen you up? Oooh boy.
  8. Well, your posting history tells a different story.
  9. So, a White House and administration chock full of Obamaites who proved they wanted to subvert everything Trump was doing were required to sign NDA's? WTF wouldn't require that? Thinking must be hard when you have so many different choices of strains for breakfast.
  10. So, she's a cunning linguist and a knob gobbler, eh?
  11. I haven't seen that. Maybe just for laughs I should look it up. Antifa, not good for anything but laughs when you shoot them in the balls.
  12. I hope for the puppet masters sake she's not a hand puppet. That would gross me out. Hook, line and sinker. I guess he mistook the worm for something else.
  13. If I was shown a picture of that woman only I would guess know that she was a liberal 11 out of 10 times. Before becoming governor I'd guess that she was either a school teacher or social worker.
  14. Yes, that's why I felt very confident in my statement. You ever play Texas Holdem? There's more than one way to play the game. It's done wonders for certain parts of our population.
  15. Some people are getting desperate. Has trump not ever claimed it was an honor to meet another head of state, especially when he has invited them to the WH?
  16. Yes Alf, there are some white supremacists, but they are disavowed by those on the right. I don't see Antifa, the military arm of the Democrats being disavowed by the Left. If you want to get into a posting battle of misdeeds I think I have a ton more in ammunition.
  17. Wait until Hillary has to explain to the public why her foundation received 150 million from Russian connected people after the Uranium deal went through. I wonder if "what difference does it make now" will work for her?
  18. There's no doubt that both sides hate each other. While one side remains peaceful with few exceptions, the other side has violence and property destruction along with disruption of other people's lives as their tactic of preference. Alf, your postings here have obviously shown your preference for the New Nazis who cloak themselves in Anti Nazism. You post articles like the one above that show the rare occurrence of someone on the right attacking the Left, while you ignore the many, many violent actions of the Left's enforcement arm. Is that the side you really want to be on?
  19. I think he cancelled the White House's subscription to those papers saving the paperboys from having to try to hit the porch while also lofting it over the security fence. October 22 will always be remembered as the day the White House officially switched to Charmin as their preferred ass wiping product. Meanwhile 3 whistleblowers and 5 leakers from the WH got off the pot and returned to the State Department and the CIA. Nobody has, as of yet been able to connect the two. Adam Schiff though, states that he has irrefutable evidence that the cancelling of the subscriptions was simply another violation of the emolument clause because Eric Trump invested 10% of his children's college fund in Proctor & Gamble, who may or may not own the Charmin line. Schiff has called for a closed door hearing on 10-24-19 in the Congressional boiler room at 9:00 am. Official notices went out to all Republicans on the committee to inform them to make sure they are on time for the hearing on 10-25-19. Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi, without blinking an eye or moving a cheek has come out in support of Schiff, calling him the most ethical, honest and bipartisan democrat that she knows.
  20. Antifa, the violent arm of the Democrat Party acting up again doing what the dems want.
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