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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Finally we've found HRC's alias. Brilliant on her part, this hiding out in Canuckastan. All she has to do is switch out the hot sauce in her purse with maple syrup and she's all Canadian, eh?
  2. We assisted the Kurds in keeping ISIS from taking over their lands. Our troops who are protecting the oilfields are there to prevent Iran from taking control and using the money from those oilfields to finance terrorism around the world. That includes killing our troops.
  3. If she/he won it would set up an interesting situation. It would be the first time that a married couple could each have the pleasure of being not only a president but a first lady. They might also have the unique distinction of being the first transgender couple to twice occupy the White House.
  4. One of the hidden value states is Delaware. Climate is not bad and it is oceanfront. Taxes of all kinds are reasonable. It helps that there are a lot of corporations headquartered there that pay the bills.
  5. One thing getting short Schiff here is the sudden irrelevancy of the "whistleblower" and the disappearance of the IC IG. Makes me wonder (hardly) if the "whistleblower" wasn't just a setup by Schiff and Schiff didn't do his due diligence regarding the "whistleblowers" past and present connections. Now his info isn't relevant enough to testify but he was the catalyst for this attempt at impeachment? Maybe they can call John Dean again to provide pertinent testimony.
  6. I just remembered something about Bernie's wife and a loan her college took out while she was president of it. Haven't heard much of that.
  7. You're the finance guy. How do we sell the USA short and make a ton of money?
  8. Now I know what we were missing down here, a Canadian Crusader.
  9. Maybe a plea deal will be in the works. Brennan avoids the firing squad but gets the next 50 years in prison with good strong sheets capable of holding up a very fully grown man.
  10. Well they almost got him on 3rd degree collusion but will they get him on 1st degree Quid Pro Quo?
  11. Trump the Grump is to blame for 3.5% unemployment and an average of $6000 more in everyone's pocket since he gained office. Bush & Obama were able to keep tax payments lower by providing more frugal increases of $400 and $1000 during their respective 8 years. I don't know what we'll do if he secures the border and we have to lay off police because MS-13 is no longer coming here.
  12. Trump is just the leader of the Russian Squad consisting of him, Major Gabbard and Comrade Stein.
  13. How can she be both the democrats and republicans best option?
  14. How is this confidential information getting leaked to the press, and is it accurate?
  15. I had a 15 hour chartered military flight from Oakland that stopped to fuel in Hawaii. The flight attendants were all civilian females and they announced that although they couldn't provide liquor they could provide mixers and the airport had duty shops with liquor. It was a fun flight afterwards and named the Lap Dance Express.
  16. Does this belief come from a dream? Chrystal Ball? I mean Mueller and his team of democrat lawyers spent $40 million trying to find something on him and they couldn't do it even when they were hoping like hell to find something. But you believe it. Gotcha.
  17. That would be like complaining to the mercurial chef about your dinner tasting likeshit. It might come back from the kitchen with good reason for it tasting like that. I've never been waxed (intentionally) but I would assume that the esthetician could cause some pretty severe pain if she really didn't want to be waxing male genitalia.
  18. Commercial type real estate loans either have a personal guarantee or no personal guarantee. Usually if the loans are given to a corporation or a limited partnership they will have no personal guarantee if the collateral is sufficient to secure the loan. This allows a developer to do projects that might be a little more risky than they might otherwise do. For example, Trump needed a loan to do a 100 million dollar condo project. Projections were good that he could get a return of 20% but union strikes and a jump in steel prices caused the project costs to go up and he was over budget. He had put up a 5 million dollar building as extra collateral for the project. Because of the extra costs he needed an extra 20 million to do the project. The lender was already 100 million into an unfinished project and had only a 5 million dollar building and an unfinished project to fall back on. Trump has the lender by the balls. He then proposes that the lender gives him 20 million more but reduces the interest rate on the entire 120 million by 2%. This gets the lender back mostly whole, Trump with as good of a deal as he initially planned and people in the business bitching about how Trump's project would have failed if the lender hadn't bailed him out. Trump had a reputation for getting projects done on time and on or under budget. Some projects do get screwed up and are just part of being in the development business. When that happened he knew how to use leverage to get lenders to bend to his will. There's another thing that's been thrown around by the TDS people and that is bankruptcy. If they can't state what kind of bankruptcy it is then they don't knowshit about the actual specifics that they are trying to disparage Trump on.
  19. Yes he did. Schumer fumbled around like a love child between Biden and Pelosi.
  20. Joe Biden, disguised as Chuck Schumer just spoke on the Senate floor and decried the Taliban's actions in NYC on 9/11.
  21. When confronted with his absolute lies about Romney after the 2012 election, he knowingly smirked and said "they worked didn't they"?
  22. What does a lynch mob do? They disregard the law and normal procedures and go out and get their man and then precipitously hang him. Pretty much like what Adam Schiff & Company are trying to do to Trump. Yes, it's an attempted lynching. All of you SJW's with your twisted panties who can't take it for what it is are pussies. Dishonest pussies.
  23. Without some catastrophic happening there is not one democrat hopeful that could beat Trump in 2020. The democrat's impeachment farce along with the way they are unfairly proceeding is going to seal their fate. The dems best candidate is a 37 year old gay man with a husband. Regardless of your opinion regarding homosexuality, it was only a dozen years ago that democrats were denouncing gay marriage. There will be one hell of a lot of people who will not vote for a gay person, regardless of politics. No wonder people are asking if there could be anyone else who could run.
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