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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Is an arrest in order when a black guy calls another black guy a *iggah?
  2. This is on par with the practice of declitting women at a young age in the Islamic world. Edit: It's worse.
  3. They're worried about the connotation of Trump and the final solution impeachment.
  4. Does this mean that the March 17th game between the Boston Celtics and the Beijing Chinks is off?
  5. Let's eat grandma. Let's eat, grandma. If the simple placement of a comma can make such a difference one would think that complete openness would be the preferred avenue to follow.
  6. Not if you take out a few paragraphs in the middle it doesn't!
  7. Astoria needs to merge with Waldorf and alleviate those starving children who are in poverty.
  8. No matter what, a 7 year old can't make a decision like this himself and the parents have no right to "change his gender" for him.
  9. If Bruno was actually on the side of good science then I would think that he would be rightfully skeptical of the religion of man made climate change.
  10. Trump showed his cards just the other day and it's a policy I've promoted here for years. We are the strongest country both militarily and economically. He's chosen to first use our economy to force our will on other countries rather than our military. We can crush or help other countries by strategically using our energy abundance for good. We can also sanction theshit out of countries like Iran if we so choose. All of this without spilling blood. It's something that has seemed so clear for the last decade or so but seemed to escape the previous administration. They railed against such things as fracking and building pipelines while weakening our status in the world with those policies. Now I'm fully aware that our energy surplus is still a commodity and the President can't just say ship more natural gas to Germany or France but he certainly can work with the energy sector to bring about desired results.
  11. I just carved this out. Is it insensitive in any way?
  12. These guys have to take the bulls by their vageynas and do something really popular like populate the moderation team entirely with transgenders, shemales or drag queens. WTF, they need to represent the dems fully.
  13. I originally posted this in another thread but this thread is more appropriate for it. It started out as a response to Exhiled The Flip Flopper. It is amazing to me that a person could come out and say that they don't agree with the Left's environmental policies but they will go along with them because they are a Leftist. That approach simply denies reality. It is/was the same approach used with getting the ACA rammed through Congress. The ACA could never work because it was inherently flawed. It ignored the Law of Large Numbers which is the whole basis of how insurance works. On top of that, the people charged with implementing it were flat out incompetent and married to ideas that might make a person feel good but weren't based on logic. To me, as a classical environmentalist I'm all for clean air, water and ground. Our money should be spent on practical solutions, not what makes a person feel good. The Left is so convinced that they have the only path to saving the planet based on what? Are their policies based on any practical solutions? Does eliminating cows and airplanes do anything for improving the environment or our lives? We have, over the last couple of decades perfected the process of fracking to the point that over that time we have reduced our carbon emissions here in the USA by about 20%. It was accomplished by tapping into our vast natural gas deposits and using that natural gas to replace the dirty coal fired plants producing electricity. We've also converted many vehicles (mainly fleet) to natural gas which is somewhat cleaner than gasoline. We'll eventually find or improve cleaner forces of energy than what we have now. In the meantime we have a relatively clean fuel in the type of quantity that we can actually export to other countries and improve their environment. Leftists like AOC and Elizabeth Warren want to hinder our ability to access and transport our cleaner energy. Vast amounts of other Leftists have signed on to these policies. They ignore reality and promote their fairy tales read to you by scientists such as a former bartender and a Harvard professor who was an accomplished linguist and who could speak with a forked tongue. Elizabeth Warren stated unequivocally that on her first day in office as president she would ban all fracking. California is the 5th largest economy in the world. So large that it offers a realistic example of what happens to a state that has become the petri dish for Leftists policies. They have based their policies on misguided pie in the sky ideas that have no practical purpose but act as endorphins to the easily fooled and sculpted Leftists. California gas prices are about $2 higher per gallon than prices in the Midwest. They have their own specific formula that other states don't have. That coupled with their high taxes on gasoline and their moratorium on pipelines have made their state less competitive to other states, and more expensive to live in. They are now cutting off electricity to certain areas during fire season. Why? Because the Leftists protestors convinced local municipalities that trimming tree branches around electrical lines was not environmentally friendly. Oh, and let's not forget that clearing deadfall and brush in forested areas took a back seat to building a railroad from nowhere to nowhere. They chose the Delta Smelt over irrigating the San Juaquin Valley during severe drought. You know, one of our country's major bread baskets. Their policies allow for rampant homelessness that is bringing back medieval diseases along with feeding rats and spreading the stench of despair throughout their communities. California, America's Petri Dish brought to you by the Wishful Left.
  14. Yep. I just got done throwing grandma under the bus and convinced grandpa to take a peek over the cliff.
  15. Well, at least he hasn't spoken up for Hong Kong.
  16. Scientists would most likely form a consensus* that you are incapable of feeling pain. *First time real scientists approve of "consensus" being used to prove a point.
  17. It is amazing to me that a person could come out and say that they don't agree with the Left's environmental policies but they will go along with them because they are a Leftist. That approach simply denies reality. It is/was the same approach used with getting the ACA rammed through Congress. The ACA could never work because it was inherently flawed. It ignored the Law of Large Numbers which is the whole basis of how insurance works. On top of that, the people charged with implementing it were flat out incompetent and married to ideas that might make a person feel good but weren't based on logic. To me, as a classical environmentalist I'm all for clean air, water and ground. Our money should be spent on practical solutions, not what makes a person feel good. The Left is so convinced that they have the only path to saving the planet based on what? Are their policies based on any practical solutions? Does eliminating cows and airplanes do anything for improving the environment or our lives? We have, over the last couple of decades perfected the process of fracking to the point that over that time we have reduced our carbon emissions here in the USA by about 20%. It was accomplished by tapping into our vast natural gas deposits and using that natural gas to replace the dirty coal fired plants producing electricity. We've also converted many vehicles (mainly fleet) to natural gas which is somewhat cleaner than gasoline. We'll eventually find or improve cleaner forces of energy than what we have now. In the meantime we have a relatively clean fuel in the type of quantity that we can actually export to other countries and improve their environment. Leftists like AOC and Elizabeth Warren want to hinder our ability to access and transport our cleaner energy. Vast amounts of other Leftists have signed on to these policies. They ignore reality and promote their fairy tales read to you by scientists such as a former bartender and a Harvard professor who was an accomplished linguist and who could speak with a forked tongue. Elizabeth Warren stated unequivocally that on her first day in office as president she would ban all fracking. California is the 5th largest economy in the world. So large that it offers a realistic example of what happens to a state that has become the petri dish for Leftists policies. They have based their policies on misguided pie in the sky ideas that have no practical purpose but act as endorphins to the easily fooled and sculpted Leftists. California gas prices are about $2 higher per gallon than prices in the Midwest. They have their own specific formula that other states don't have. That coupled with their high taxes on gasoline and their moratorium on pipelines have made their state less competitive to other states, and more expensive to live in. They are now cutting off electricity to certain areas during fire season. Why? Because the Leftists protestors convinced local municipalities that trimming tree branches around electrical lines was not environmentally friendly. Oh, and let's not forget that clearing deadfall and brush in forested areas took a back seat to building a railroad from nowhere to nowhere. They chose the Delta Smelt over irrigating the San Juaquin Valley during severe drought. You know, one of our country's major bread baskets. Their policies allow for rampant homelessness that is bringing back medieval diseases along with feeding rats and spreading the stench of despair throughout their communities. California, America's Petri Dish brought to you by the Wishful Left.
  18. I'm looking forward to seeing HRC run when she can't even walk by herself. She's like sour cream that has gone bad.
  19. Comments from your link: So California has basically told anyone in the oil industry to leave the state. And then they create their own extra special grade of difficult to produce gasoline that no other state requires. And then? This man is a idiot. #GavinNewsom #GavinMustGo #California This is a joke right? You’re kidding… This is like Gov. Cuomo ordering the Natural Gas companies to supply more gas after blocking pipelines. The Dem party is ignorant of science and economics, but thinks it should lecture the rest of us on how to live. Should be the quickest investigation ever… but not after he hand selects the “investigator”. California regulations, the gas tax and the carbon taxes would be a good start when he’s done starting in a mirror. It’s your fault. There, I took care of your Investigation for you. You’re welcome. Enjoy those high taxes you voted for, and you keep electing the same people who also implemented a cap and trade tax on gas. You don’t even get to see how much that is, it’s built into the price. Surrounding states are laughing. I needed a good laugh today! He knows why, and a phony investigation won’t make him look any less complicit. High gas prices caused by high taxes to fund your boondoggles. Investigation complete. It’s all the taxes and “fees” authorized by California lawmakers who don’t know how money actually works. How about the 70 cents in state sales tax and the regulations that prevent the building of new refineries…that keep gasoline more scarce…Newsome and his crook cronies in Sacramento are to blame!
  20. No, John Kerry is no longer running for office and "flip flop" is a cheap rubber sandal again.
  21. Fracking has brought about The New Clean Deal, the one that has a chance of really making environmental gains while allowing us to keep our cows & airplanes. Long live fracking!
  22. You truly are an idiot. Have you not kept up at all with the real happenings over the last several years in the Middle East? Iran, who we presently have stymied in a little box with our sanctions is desperate to obtain more money for keeping their mullahs in power and financing terrorism. The oilfields in question are ripe for their exploitation and we're not going to let that happen.
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