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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. While Obama promised to slow the rise of the oceans but failed to do so, our get-er-done President Trump has lassoed the ozone hole, reduced it to a mere spec and saved our planet for our children. How do you like them apples?
  2. Obama had several deficits that high or higher and according to you liberals he had a good economy. Which is it, good economy or bad economy for the guy that thought Hawaii was in Asia?
  3. No wonder the Left likes them so much, they're democrats.
  4. What makes this just wrong is that no one is supposed to be commenting on the testimony but the dems are leaking out info that only supports their narrative. They could be taking things out of context or flat out lying about it. The republicans want a public hearing with everything released. What could be wrong with that, other than the dems being made fools of again by the witnesses they call, ala Judicial Committee hearing with Corey Lewandowski?
  5. I was worried about the environmental footprint of actually transporting all that cash. Then once they get the cash, they'll probably burn the pallets to keep themselves warm.
  6. Obama found many new ways to talk about himself. How many different ways can you say "I"? If only they could make you mute instead.
  7. Well, then you Leftist loonies who keep trying to block drilling and new pipelines should join with us to save the world by fracking.
  8. Every bit of natural gas we can put online to replace coal consumption helps the environment. We are cleaning up the environment here, why not help the rest of the world to do so too?
  9. There was a time when I thought Wallace was pretty fair, back when he was also moderating debates. I view him now on the level of Shepard Smith, without the bitchy attitude. He doesn't tell the full story if the full story is going to support conservatives.
  10. In the meantime China keeps opening up new coal mines and consumes just under 50% of the worlds coal production.
  11. Chris Wallace was on a few minutes ago comparing the Benghazi hearings to this whatever you want to call it "investigation". He basically said that they were being handled in the same way. No, they are not. Every day there are leaks or fabrications coming from the people who want to see Trump hurt. I say "hurt" because this is all a big fvcking farce. The last thing they want to do is impeach Trump. They want to damage Trump without having to go on record regarding impeachment. They also are trying to make the coming lowering of the boom on the criminals that were attempting a soft coup, a political thing.
  12. Laugh all you want Oh Ignorant One but tell me how a sailboat can travel faster than the wind? Well, keep up the good work Mr. Idiot Judge.
  13. Did you notice the -) at the end of my post? I went fishing for something in the Catostomidae Family and instead pulled in a Billy Bass.
  14. Unintended Consequences canbeabitch. Sure, all those windmills are a magnificent source of clean energy but they push the Santa Anna winds further west and at higher speeds, thus fanning the flames in western California. It's like building giant fans facing the populated areas of California. Is there anything the Left can get right? -)
  15. I think my daughter was 9 before I even left her at home alone for a 5 minute trip to the store. She wasn't immature and I wasn't a helicopter parent. There's no way a child anywhere near that young should be allowed to alter their life in such a way. Maybe mommy should try to get pregnant again and have a girl (or adopt one) instead of fvcking this kid's life up if she wants a daughter that badly.
  16. That Elma guy was one but he got driven off for racist comments. Baskin claimed he used to be a conservative but he was just faking it. The guy with the Bill Murray avatar who was a misogynist.
  17. PPP is not kind to people who don't do their homework and spew what the msm or crackpot right leaning sources feed them. A perfect example are the tards that come down here out of nowhere and try to dispute DR work over the last three years. DR, who usually has the patience of Job will give them a few places to look for their answers but the drive-by posters then expect to have three years of work explained to them in detail. Then they bitchlike crazy when they are referred back to source material. FWIW, most liberals don't think things through. They "feel" their way to certain conclusions and when confronted with contrary facts they just continue on their merry "feeling" way.
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