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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Besides lengthy prison terms for all of the miscreants involved in this mess there should be fines of such amount to repay the costs to the federal government for their investigations.
  2. The Trump economy slides toward the Obama era economic levels while Trump stands firm against China's unfair trade practices. Also, with everyone working already its difficult to produce more. -)
  3. Maybe Bob should ask the question why it takes Fox News to publish/report on the findings of the University of Chicago? Why wasn't this published by other networks? Is it because it doesn't fit their narrative?
  4. I don't envy you. I lived in CA at a much better time and it was still fvcked up. Your politicians, by their actions/non actions have proven that they have no practical sense. You've got trains that go nowhere but accumulation of deadfall in your forests when your state has the propensity for wildfires. You desperately need water but let it flow to the ocean to protect the Delta Smelt. You have rampant homelessness fostering the spread of Medieval diseases. Every one of your state's major problems can be solved by solving your water problems though. Where is the leadership from your state? https://taxfoundation.org/federal-tax-revenue-source-1934-2018
  5. Federal revenues have gone up approximately 447 billion dollars since 2016. No doubt this increase was due in part to Trump policies. It's easy to bend figures to support an outcome. California taxes are high and since you can no longer write them off one would think that you are in the relatively small percentage that will have your taxes go up. Maybe you can start a movement to get California taxes reduced by taxing all people on your voter rolls. -)
  6. This "never met a word he didn't like" goes back quite a ways.
  7. Anyone know what Canada's policies are about letting former convicts into their country?
  8. Yes, but you have a real knack for saying offensive things. Do you think winning the purple heart is something every trooper aspires to? Why criticize the Right Wing Slim Machine? In only 20 minutes a day you can transform your Jabba the Hutt body into something that can walk on its own. Bob has already fixed it with his chia weed.
  9. You sound as if a purple heart is a merit badge or something. Do you even know what has to transpire for a person to get a purple heart? There were 4 guys in Benghazi who didn't get purple hearts, they got stopped hearts and you laughed.
  10. Trump isn't using the troops as a prop, they are a part of his constituency. The ignorance runs strong in you.
  11. FIFY. You have no license to use "thinks" in the same sentence as Tiberius.
  12. Next you'll be asking him to throw away his perfectly good Commodore 64.
  13. Maybe you should read DR's link above to a 60 Minute interview with Soros in which he admits collaborating with the Nazis against his own people.
  14. He was born in 1930 so he was still a boy then. Wait, maybe he was helping them by giving them the Kamala Treatment.
  15. George Soros has financially supported the NAMBLA which promotes sex between men and boys.
  16. Daz28 has posted this same thing in several threads. The wording is very, very careful. I'm going to dox him though. His real name is Dumbazz28, the clever little bastard.
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