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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. All you need to know about this farce is that Adam Schiff has the right to prevent witnesses from testifying if they are subpoenaed by a Republican. One would think that the Republicans must be so far removed from reality that they might call John Dean to the stand. -)
  2. I wonder what's the over/under on how long he gets to live?
  3. So, you'd rather continue to take it up the ass from China rather than get a fair deal with them that will make our economy better?
  4. It's a trap! Little did Chewbacca know, but hidden in that medal is a gps tracker so Trump can keep an eye on Hans Solo's travels.
  5. Well if you do have sex with an employee, say by mistake, don't give her a defective cashmere sweater.
  6. Did the CRA allow a shitton of loans to be made to people who were not qualified for those loans?
  7. Why would whites leave a neighborhood that blacks were flooding into? That's a question I think I'll ponder while debating with myself the pros and cons of moving to West Chicago.
  8. Transplant, unemployment is at a record low and wages have increased dramatically while they stayed stagnant under Obama. The true test of an economy is wages. Why did the economy shitthebed in '08? Look up the origins of the CRA and the democrat push for extending bad loans and the coverup by dems like Barney Frank. The CRA was created in Carter's term and expanded in Clinton's time. Bush tried to get it reigned in several times to no avail. There are other factors involved in the collapse but those factors wouldn't have come in to play without the underlying bad loans created by the CRA.
  9. I wonder if she told that private school that he had Native American blood when applying?
  10. Maybe we need to send them some CAIR Packages too.
  11. It would be conducive to bringing about less and less freedom of speech. As much as we need to stay strong and fight against the erosion of our 2nd Amendment we need to stand tall against further restrictions on free speech.
  12. You might be better off writing your responses in your native language and then sending it through Google Translator before you post here.
  13. There's a reason you are known far and wide as HAHA Gator or Gleeful Gator. It was first brought to our attention when you laughed at Americans dying in Benghazi.
  14. What makes you laugh louder, American troops getting killed or children being raped? Maybe your loudest laugh was when an American ambassador was raped and killed? I guess the only thing missing was that he wasn't underage.
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