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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Wow, I sent your words right back at you and you call me an idiot? You're a clown. A very dumb clown.
  2. So what you are saying is that no one on the left has at present shown to have the ability to be president. I guess the only person who has shown that ability would be Trump, eh?
  3. https://www.differencebetween.com/difference-between-aptitude-and-vs-ability/ Though aptitude and ability are two words that are often confused when it comes to their meanings and connotations, there is a difference between them. First let us define the two words. The word aptitude can be defined as natural ability. The word aptitude is used in the sense of ‘talent.’ On the other hand, the word ability is used in the sense of ‘skill.’ This can also be defined as the power to do something. This is the major difference between the two words. This article attempts to highlight the difference between the two words while providing an understanding of each word. What does Aptitude mean? The word aptitude can be defined as natural ability. This can be a potential within an individual that has not been fully developed yet. In this sense, it lays dormant until the individual realizes that he has such a potential and make use of it. Aptitude tests are aimed at assessing the mental ability of people. The word aptitude can be used in the English language in the following manner. Observe the two sentences: He showed tremendous aptitude at a young age. She lauded his aptitude. In both the sentences, you can see that the word aptitude is used in the sense of ‘talent.’ Hence, the meaning of the first sentence would be ‘he showed tremendous talent at a young age,’ and the meaning of the second sentence would be ‘she lauded his talent.’ It is interesting to note that the word aptitude is sometimes used in the sense of ‘fitness’ as in the sentence ‘he has a tremendous mental aptitude.’
  4. I don't think all attorneys feel that way. It's one thing getting a guilty person off for a crime such as theft by being a damn good lawyer, it's another thing making up a scenario that gets a child rapist off.
  5. All they needed were some black sandals and they'd be ready for "The Villages".
  6. The Left insults our intelligence with the degree of hubris they appear to have. Do they actually think that their duplicity (LTC Vindman for example) won't be found out?
  7. Everyone deserves a defense but Hillary thought it was humorous that she was able to get a guilty man off for raping a 12 year old girl. Doesn't sound like it troubled her at all.
  8. Here's Joe on the Missouri next to General Wainwright when the ***** surrendered.
  9. If it's not ok to be white does it also mean it's not ok to be black? Brown? Yellow? Red?
  10. I remember hearing of this a few years ago. Hillary laughed and told someone the story of how she had gotten someone off for raping a child. She was essentially bragging about her skill as an attorney. What a lowlife.
  11. When I think of Jimmy Carter the word "morose" comes to mind along with "feckless". Leadership is all about lifting people up and making people want to go through a wall for your ideas (often confused with going through a wall for the person). Carter and Obama were much alike in that they never truly inspired people to do better but to settle and make accommodations. Jimmy and his sweater comes to mind. Barack and his magic wand also comes to mind.
  12. That's where Leadership and vision enters the picture. A leader has to rise up and convince the people that he/she has solutions. A Ronald Reagan type.
  13. I posted this in the GW thread but it's probably more appropriate here: California's economy is the 5th largest in the world compared to other countries. To put this in perspective the UK and India each have smaller economies than California. California's weather is a giant plus and a reason for attracting some of our brightest and best. Its recreational opportunities are endless. On the surface it's a great place to live. With that said, it is a soon to be a bankrupt state, over populated in comparison to its lack of water but even worse with its lack of leadership and vision. California is led by Leftist politicians, perfectly fine with doling out 6 figure pensions to normal everyday municipal workers. The only way this can be sustainable in the long-term is if the state has robust economic growth. I find it difficult to foresee how this can happen without the water necessary for growth. Where is the leadership that should be working on fixing the systemic problems? Have they given a serious look into desalination plants? What about clearing the deadfall in the wooded and populated areas? How about strategically placed cleared land to help fight forest fires? It's possible that none of these ideas are feasible as solutions but the leaders must at least identify the problem itself, and that is the lack of water. Solve that problem and there's hope for solving the other problems.
  14. California's economy is the 5th largest in the world compared to other countries. To put this in perspective the UK and India each have smaller economies than California. California's weather is a giant plus and a reason for attracting some of our brightest and best. Its recreational opportunities are endless. On the surface it's a great place to live. With that said, it is a soon to be a bankrupt state, over populated in comparison to its lack of water but even worse with its lack of leadership and vision. California is led by Leftist politicians, perfectly fine with doling out 6 figure pensions to normal everyday municipal workers. The only way this can be sustainable in the long-term is if the state has robust economic growth. I find it difficult to foresee how this can happen without the water necessary for growth. Where is the leadership that should be working on fixing the systemic problems? Have they given a serious look into desalination plants? What about clearing the deadfall in the wooded and populated areas? How about strategically placed cleared land to help fight forest fires? It's possible that none of these ideas are feasible as solutions but the leaders must at least identify the problem itself, and that is the lack of water. Solve that problem and there's hope for solving the other problems.
  15. I was just busting your balls because normally your posts are really good and you don't make mistakes like that. With that said, you need to edit that post again.
  16. Well, his home state is in Asia after all.
  17. In reading that over I was scratching my head until I remembered it was Halloween and you must have picked up a ghost writer. I wouldn't hire them again.
  18. My question is: what is HAHA Gator going to do when all straws are outlawed?
  19. If the Left felt that they could beat him next November they would not be pushing for this fake impeachment. They have emptied their clip and are now throwing their gun at him. Trump has had many successes and is living up to his campaign promises. This was without a honeymoon of any kind but raging headwinds created by the Left. Time after time after time the Left has come up with amateur attempts to bring him down. It hasn't and it won't work. Get ready you snowflakes for 5 more years of President Trump.
  20. The dems in the House can have a verdict and that verdict would be to pass the case on to the Senate for trial. The House verdict is called impeachment. The press secretary's letter was fine.
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