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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Trump's people were asking for a public announcement that Ukraine would fight corruption. Period. Trump told the ambassador that there was no quid pro quo and the president of Ukraine should live up to his campaign promises and do what was right. The money was already approved by Congress, you nitwit. Don't you feel at least a little guilty about all the lying you do?
  2. Please list what the so called whistleblower has been correct about.
  3. Pelosi & Schiff have nothing on Trump but they are raising expectations by continuing on with this farce. Their rules seem designed to give him an unfair impeachment hearing. I say let it happen and get to a trial in the Senate. Do not even request a dismissal. Have the trial and get all of the witnesses to testify. When the public sees what Pelosi, Schiff & Company tried to pull off there will be a lot of embarrassed dems.
  4. Comment from your link: Willow @Willowinski Replying to @seanmdav How is Mark Zaid “going to get rid of (63 million) Trump supporters”??? Pray tell, Mark?! 6 12:59 PM - Nov 6, 2019 Outsource the job to Hillary?
  5. He is disgusted by even the thought of a man and woman getting intimate. He thinks people should stick to their own sex when it comes to stuff like that. I wish I could find the quotes of the times he's said that, but I honestly don't remember which alias he used when doing so.
  6. Nowhere does Feinstein claim that outing the so called whistleblower is illegal. She just tries to implicate that.
  7. I've watched and listened to the tape more than once. That was not just "frustration". It was outrage and it was apparent by the different expressions on her face.
  8. Flynn plead guilty to charges of lying. The FBI falsified the conversation they had with Flynn and then made it look like he was lying. He was trapped because the deep state despised him because he knew what they were doing. Flynn deserves a medal.
  9. Even if the Trump administration told Ukraine that they weren't getting any money until they showed a commitment to getting rid of corruption they were fine, but they didn't even do that.
  10. It's the sinful Mormon offshoots with their Big Love compounds vs. God's Creatures from the Cartels.
  11. Then it will be Pence who will continue Trump's policies.
  12. Joe Biden has the backbone of a jellyfish. He is always wrong on the issues, especially foreign policy issues. For example, he advised Obama to not go after Osama Bin Laden when he did. His reason was that it could harm him politically if the mission failed.
  13. Somewhere in this forum there was a post by B-Man quoting the percentage of democrats attending Trump rallies. If I remember correctly, 27% of the people attending are registered democrats. How do you like them apples?
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