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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. I agree 1000% Maybe if you stayed better informed you wouldn't have to ask DR to explain everything to you.
  2. I'm a conservative, I prefer lamb. And racks.
  3. All I can think of is that a man's reach should exceed his grasp.
  4. I pretty much agree with all of your positions but I differ when it comes to abortion and gay marriage. I used to fall back on "I'm against abortion for myself but don't presume to make that decision for other people. Let them reconcile their decisions with their God". I also thought that it should be "safe, rare and legal". This seemed to be pretty much the position of most people including Clinton and Obama. Things have changed once the camel got its nose under the tent though. Now, many on the Left have thrown their support to PP and their terrible practices. NYS changes the law allowing abortions up to birth and they celebrate lighting up buildings in pink. What once was taboo is now the norm, or at least perfectly acceptable. Well as time passes I am evolving to a position far less tolerant of abortion than I was even a few years ago. Why? Because that fvcking camel now hasn't just pushed his nose under the tent but I'm about to see the rest of him. It's the old give them a little and they'll take a lot meme. Here's an analogy that might best explain my thoughts. Many, many years ago I was coerced by my wife into attending a seminar at church. It had this guy called Dr. James Dobson talking about child rearing. He addressed discipline without getting angry. Like, who doesn't get angry with their kids? He said set your parameters below the threshold of getting angry. Never punish when you are angry because you won't be fair and you will cause additional problems. Kids will always try to push the envelope so set your rules somewhat more stringent than what is almost ok. Then don't deviate from those rules. Life will be a lot more pleasant in your home. The analogy above can be compared to both abortion and gay marriage. Barely a decade ago Obama & Clinton were both against gay marriage. Prior to that gays were mostly in the closet. Well, I'm not one to overly worry too much about what two (or more) people do in private. There are norms in society that need to be conformed to though. If we allow these norms to deteriorate then they will continue to do so. It is my belief that we have allowed society to get to the point that pedophilia is even sneaking into acceptable levels in some parts of society. Can anyone argue the propriety of accepting money from George Soros who actually donates heavily to NAMBLA? Epstein was welcomed into society by many people considered as "Hi-Society". It's a slippery slope and rules/norms need to be set well before we get angry. And I'm already pissed off.
  5. For a little quid pro quo I can teach you how to copy and paste.
  6. I think you are probably right about the real estate and I know you're right about the equipment. It's difficult to estimate the improvement costs without knowing the specifics of the construction/finished work but I have a hard time thinking the building and site improvements (excluding clean up) would even approach $100 million. That's a $100 a square foot which is somewhat in the neighborhood of home construction. I'm thinking that off the top of my head it's a horseshit article and the valuation probably follows what the actual construction cost was sans the cleanup.
  7. Poor Kemp. He visits here every time he gets kicked off the kiddie table. (for being immature)
  8. As usual, you are fullofshit. Half of the funds collected over the years were personally donated by Trump. Other donations were made by various Trump businesses. What NYS got him on was involving his 2016 campaign in the foundation and directing funds to military related charities. If I remember correctly this all came about because he skipped one of the GOP debates and held a fundraiser to make a point. So, he didn't steal money from his own foundation or "charity". He didn't follow the same rules that Clinton and Obama didn't follow. Every time you visit here you do so with some ridiculous made up crap and wind up getting your ass handed to you. How many times do you have to touch a hot stove to make the connection with the burns on your hand? Dumbass.
  9. Too few details to make a lot of sense of that article. What it would sell for on the open market is probably the most pertinent way to value it. The $1 annual rent would make it worth between $1-$2. What were the environmental clean up costs? Was NYS going to have to pay for that regardless? What's the replacement value, and was it built so it could be easily converted to other uses? Could the State sell it without incentives to the new buyer? How many companies want to relocate to NYS? The questions go on and on.
  10. Hell, every time Joe Biden opens his mouth he shoots blanks.
  11. That would certainly invite more people to try to cross our borders.
  12. Obama has been involved with a crooked real estate deal in Chicago, with his home there. He colluded with a convicted felon to defraud and purchase an extra 10' from the lot next to his house at the same time he bought his house. The lot was valued at 625k and he paid Tony Rezko, the convicted felon 1/6th of the 625k. Seems fair since the lot was 60' originally. The only problem is that the deal made the remaining 50' useless since 60' of frontage was needed to build on per Chicago's building ordinance. So basically Obama got control of the whole 60' lot for 1/6 of what it was worth. There's more to the story but to cut to the chase it was a way for Tony Rezko to pass on to Obama half a million dollars under the table. Are you going to delete this thread now?
  13. You must have been a student there. I can see how you have a beef with them.
  14. Yes, but Obama stopped the rise of the oceans and had 8 consecutive summers of recovery.
  15. He doesn't have a chance. There's a whole shitton of people who wouldn't vote for a gay man for president. There's too many images that people can conjure up that would disqualify Mayor Pete. As president, a blue dress situation could come up again. The only difference is Pete might be wearing the soiled dress.
  16. What specifically did she get done? One is a glamour shot done by a professional photographer while the other looks like it was taken outside with a Kodak Instamatic camera.
  17. Look at the unemployment numbers. Obama's "jobs created" by month were always being revised downward a month or two later. Trump's are always being revised upwards. He does not pressure the Fed to make his economy look better. He pressures the Fed to make his economy be better. Big difference.
  18. After Lizzy wrote the longest suicide note ever the other day Bernie asked her to hold his beer and he said "watch this".
  19. You are a perfect example of what weed can do to a mind. The NWS initial prediction was that the hurricane could hit Alabama. Trump doesn't need to have the BLS make up statistics, even though I'm sure they wouldn't. The fact that wages are up is what backs up all of the other statistics. Wages are the indicator of the degree of prosperity. Try staying off the weed and maybe you can think things through clearly.
  20. Trump is actually working on and achieving sucess as it pertains to his campaign promises. There's no question that he found the magic wand that Obama said wasn't there and has done wonders with the economy---------------unemployment, stock market, regulations and wages, all vastly improved. The wall is going up and pedophiles are being caught. Most important, he's bringing our federal court system back to the constitution.
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