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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. The University of Michigan has 93 Diversity Officers. “According to the Department of Education data, administrative positions at colleges and universities grew by 60 percent between 1993 and 2009, which Bloomberg reported was 10 times the rate of growth of tenured faculty positions. Even more strikingly, an analysis by a professor at California Polytechnic University, Pomona, found that, while the total number of full-time faculty members in the C.S.U. system grew from 11,614 to 12,019 between 1975 and 2008, the total number of administrators grew from 3,800 to 12,183 — a 221 percent increase.” Universities are large and require administrators to function, of course. The problem is there seems to be no end to the expansion. This point was recently illustrated by Mark Perry, an economics professor at the University of Michigan-Flint. Perry, who also is a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, used the University of Michigan as an example to highlight the rise of “diversicrats” (diversity bureaucrats) on today’s campuses. The numbers are astonishing. 1. The University of Michigan currently employs a diversity staff of nearly 100 (93) full-time diversity administrators, officers, directors, vice-provosts, deans, consultants, specialists, investigators, managers, executive assistants, administrative assistants, analysts, and coordinators. 2. More than one-quarter (26) of these “diversicrats” earn annual salaries of more than $100,000, and the total payroll for this small army is $8.4 million. When you add to cash salaries an estimated 32.45% for UM’s very generous fringe benefit package for the average employee in this group (retirement, health care, dental insurance, life insurance, long-term disability, paid leave, paid vacation, social security, unemployment insurance, Medicare, etc.) the total employee compensation for this group tops $11 million per year. And of course that doesn’t count the cost of office space, telephones, computers and printers, printing, postage, programs, training, or travel expenses. https://www.intellectualtakeout.org/article/diversity-staff-university-michigan-nearly-100-full-time-employees
  2. So, you are taking money from elsewhere or devaluing the dollar to free up money for the students who don't want or can't pay their loans back? Don't you think it's a little counter productive to bail out people who paid money to get an education that isn't good enough to allow them to pay the loans back themselves? The government made loans too easy and then the schools got greedy. All liberals behind this horseshit.
  3. Lyrics Baby, They asked me how I knew My true love was true I of course replied "Something here inside Cannot be denied" They said someday you'll find All who love are blind When your heart's on fire You must realize Smoke gets in your eyes So I chaffed and I gaily laughed To think they would doubt my love Yet today, my love has flown away I am without my love Now laughing friends deride Tears I cannot hide So I smile and say "When a lovely flame dies, Smoke gets in your eyes."
  4. Are you sure you're not just one of Tiberius's aliases? Those Independents sure do toe the party line, don't they?
  5. What kind of "tapes"? VHS? Cassette? Reel to reel? Do you actually think that someone is always sitting in some van with headphones on?
  6. Sondland confirmed whose crime? You are clearly incapable of discerning anything and gaining an education about a subject. You and HAHA Gator are two peas in a pod.
  7. You're listening to liars interpretation of testimony. Even the Left's star witness, who listened to the phone call says that there was nothing wrong with the phone call and the transcript accurately portrayed the phone call. Schiff has leaked something that isn't true.
  8. "There are none so blind as those that refuse to see." Your answer is a perfect example why I hesitate to ever respond to you. You are so completely partisan that nothing will ever convince you that you might be mistaken or wrong. Your mind is completely closed.
  9. https://www.waynedupree.com/ltc-hickman-alex-vindman/ Politics Report: Lieutenant Colonel Who Worked With Schiff Witness Vindman Says He Verbally Reprimanded Him For ‘Bashing America’ LTC Hickman said Vindman was clearly a partisan Democrat who was more “activist” than a bipartisan military official. LTC Hickman goes on to say that after several complaints from other officials who were deeply bothered by Vindman’s “anti-American” tone, he verbally reprimanded him for his actions. Lieutenant Colonel Jim Hickman is very familiar with Adam Schiff’s star witness Alexander Vindman. The two worked together back when Vindman was a Major. LTC Hickman shared an incident that occurred between the two men during a combined US-Russian exercise called “Atlas Vision 12” in Grafenwoher, GE. The incident that occurred between the two men was described by LTC Hickman in a Twitter thread he shared on his timeline on October 31st. He begins the thread by explaining the mission and why the two men were there. He then goes on to describe a disturbing string of events involving then Major Vindman, where he bashed America to Russian and American subordinates, and heavily promoted a “globalist” type agenda. LTC Hickman said Vindman was clearly a partisan Democrat who was more “activist” than a bipartisan military official. LTC Hickman goes on to say that after several complaints from other officials who were deeply bothered by Vindman’s “anti-American” tone, he verbally reprimanded him for his actions. LTC Hickman says he wrote the thread because he personally has witnessed Mr. Vindman’s partisan bias behavior and wanted people to know that he’s not the “All American” decorated “hero” that the media and Democrats are painting him out to be. He’s more of an “activist” than anything else, according to LTC Hickman’s direct observations and interactions with Mr. Vindman.
  10. Your vagueness puts your sincerity and willingness to discuss in doubt.
  11. You over officious jerk you! Those works of art deserve to push the envelope.
  12. Some questions: How do you feel about the MSM's protection of pedophiles such as Weinstein and Epstein? Does Bill & Hillary's connection to both of them cause you pause? What do you think of Alexander Vindman's history and derision of this country and also his bias against Trump? Same question for the "whistleblower"? How does this all tie together to justify impeachment charges against Trump? What do you think about the process that Adam Schiff is using during this non impeachment, impeachment trial? Should he allow all reasonable testimony from witnesses that the Republicans request, or should he only allow witnesses that he portends to back up the Democrats narrative? If DR predicted many of the misdeeds by the DNC and Deep State that have come to life lately and did it 2-3 years ago, would you admit that there may be some validity to his claims? Someone please quote this in case Bob has me on ignore.
  13. It's Notre Dames fault. Ever since they allowed male cheerleaders. -)
  14. This is old news and there's a reason she has a "husky voice", but each his own.
  15. A few moments ago a guy called Joel Rubin, who was an Assistant Secretary of State in the Obama administration, claimed that Trump on the phone call told Zerensky that if "he didn't dig up dirt on Biden he would never get the military aid". This isn't even slanting something or reporting something that he was told. It is a complete fabrication. A gigantic lie. A Democrat norm.
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