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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. It's OK to yield to your sense of doom. We're not even going to spike the ball on you. We'll simply hand the ball to the ref after a score, just like Thurman.
  2. No, in this case I think he's going to be blaming the scorekeeper. You know, the one having Trump behind by 15 points in PA & FL? Tiberius, conceding in September while realizing that no matter how hard the dems cheat, this isn't going to be their year either.
  3. You're a real perspiration to us here.
  4. I guess SCOTUS just ruled in an illegal way, eh? Or is it that they just didn't follow the law? This is what you posted, 3rd Chair: "If you're so concerned about legality and following the law, perhaps you should complain about the recent Janus decision" Refuting your ridiculous statements is like "Children's Whack-A-Mole". I think I'll move up to the next level. It's called "Tiberius Whack-A-Mole".
  5. Put it in a piggy bank?
  6. Noticed this thread from the past and thought how ironic that the OP, a poster named Kemp would use his favorite means of transportation in the title. "Slithering" is not a word often seen here.
  7. How is the Janus decision unconstitutional? Seems like the SCOTUS had an opportunity to shoot down Trump's funding "scheme" for border security and fortuitous preemption of allowing virus infected people into our country but declined to do so. Sounds like that is part of the President's job description and you, as a vocal critic of Trump's handling of the virus should recognize his foresight and brilliance to prepare so well for our security and safety. The aforementioned assumes that you would look at things in an open and honest manner and not allow your partisan bias to creep into the equation. One would think that the more the merrier for a baby murderer like BillSlime.
  8. The last minute or so of that game was Pete Carroll and Bill Belichick taking turns seeing who could make the worst decision. Belichick should have been calling timeouts saving time to have a shot to come back for when the Seahawks would most likely score. Carroll had the best power back in the NFL and he had been gashing the Cheats all day, so of course they pass.
  9. Really? Didja notice the emoji?
  10. He can use both hands equally as well?
  11. So, you have the ability to tell me that I'm lying when I say that I normally despise responding to you? Then when you can't argue with the rest of my post you claim that you won't read it because I lied to you about despising responding to you. Now that's a great example of circular reasoning.
  12. Normally I despise responding to you but it doesn't hurt to educate the truly dumb, I guess. "Your side" royally ***** up. There was a time when even the Clintons proclaimed that they were not for abortion except in "rare, safe and legal" circumstances. I am one of those conservatives who could accept those terms, not because I believed in abortion but because I believed more in individual freedom, and that I didn't have generally the right to tell someone else what to do when it came to something so personal. Well, you guys had to push things to the limit and allow people like Gov. (blackface) Northam and Andrew Cuomo (The Butcher of Albany) to take the forefront on the Left's position on abortion. You guys spiked the ball in our faces and described the casual way doctors would treat unsuccessful abortions and consult with the mother to see if she wanted the baby murdered. You then lit up One World Trade Center and celebrated when NY passed a law allowing abortions for any reason right up to birth. You have nobody to blame but yourselves. Yes, Rowe vs. Wade may be in danger of being reversed, not because of religious zealots but because of the overreach on your side and the big middle finger you gave us as you danced on the grave of decency.
  13. This is my kind of flash:
  14. Now you've gone and done it. He'll have you on the "Too Many Links List" before you know it.
  15. Thus saving the world from any possible progeny.
  16. Geography is not your strong point. The Himalayas and Afghanistan usually don't get mentioned in the same sentence. On the other hand, your ridiculous contention could just be worthy of a yeoman's trolling effort.
  17. Do you actually think that he could tell the difference? It took him 4 years to get thru community college. Can't imagine what he had to pay Grenada University for his law "degree".
  18. Don't worry you'll be part of it, you beast.
  19. Harris addressed it the next day (today) but not very well. She acted as if there was nothing to apologize for and stressed that "Outnumbered" was just edgy. She then went on to say that someone (obviously Harf) tried to silence a well respected former Speaker of the House.
  20. Can't take it? You've been filling this place up with somuchshit and you can't take a little career advice?
  21. You totally misspelled "duh".
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