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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. From your post that I responded to: not everyone thinks like you and people shouldn't be punished for the rest of their lives because they weren't as responsible at age 18 as you were.
  2. So, should an 18 year old gang member who chops the head off of the 12 year old neighbor girl not be punished for the rest of his life because he was just irresponsible?
  3. I read that she is under enormous pressure to rule out running for President in 2020. As much as I'd like to see her lose again to Trump, just sit down and shut up Cankles.
  4. Well, I'm not sure about Gary & Bob but I think Tibs is a willing catcher so he might not be able to participate in this award. We have a special award just for him. It's called The Dumbfvck.
  5. Not exactly. It must have been too difficult for you to comprehend that it wasn't foolproof if you could understand it.
  6. Some the best and brightest students attend Stanford. We're doomed.
  7. Would you agree that it was at least the camel's nose that pushed its way under the tent?
  8. Pompeo/Haley would work for me, but don't totally discount Pence. If the economy continues to do well throughout Trump's 2nd term the electorate may not want to give that up but will look at Pence as a more presidential, calmer Trump.
  9. How dare they make the dems compromise and take one of their political issues away?
  10. Let there be no doubt the Left caused this problem by reneging on the deal they had with Trump with funding The Wall for $25b and Trump agreeing to sign legislation making 1.8 million DACA people legal residents. One of their liberal judges set things back for two years. This is not the time for Trump to threaten deportation in order to leverage a deal. That would give the dems a false talking point. After Trump wins in November there will be a reckoning.
  11. WHISTLEBLOWER HAS A GOFUNDME ACCOUNT TO THE TUNE OF 227K TO DATE* What pisses me off is the hubris displayed by the Left in all of their dirty, illegal doings. It is a gigantic insult to our intelligence for them to think we are too dumb to figure them out. * Headline that will never be seen on the MSM.
  12. Suggestion: Read what you type before you post it. I know you are a dumbass and probably are trying to keep your crown, what with the recent challenges by that Ugly Canadian, The Bug and Useless Gary but there will come a day when they melt like The Wicked Witch of the West and you will be all alone here. Proofread your posts and you will be thought of just a little less derisively but still be worthy of your crown. BREAKING NEWS: Whistleblower is in trouble for breaking the law by soliciting online donations. More to come.
  13. I don't understand what your "loads" have to do with anything. Is it like selling your blood?
  14. That wasn't the question. Are you unable to answer the question?
  15. Tell us, what did that trio of candidates stand for? What would make them suitable?
  16. Tell us, do you know if it was 1st, 2nd or 3rd degree Quid Pro Quo? Also, what are the sentencing ranges for committing a Quid Pro Quo under the different degrees? Is Quid Pro Quoing a federal crime only or an international one?
  17. Tiberius aka HAHA Gator and TideBoy having breakfast:
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