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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Although it is obvious to those of us that are paying attention, the majority of the population are not paying attention. They only hear what the dems are saying because the republicans are not really allowed any witnesses. The dems are getting to bat in the top of the inning but the republicans don't get to bat in the bottom of the inning if McConnell gets his people to dismiss the case. I say let this play out and eviscerate Schiff & his merry band of F-Troopers.
  2. He sent the IRS money to keep them from going after him. If it's not bribery or extortion it's certainly quid pro quo.
  3. If I were Nunes I would ask Vindman if he knew who Eric Ciaramella is. Not even mention anything about him being a WB. See what kind of a reaction he gets from Schiff.
  4. So, the two witnesses today and the only two so far that listened in on the call have stated that the transcript of the call on 7-25 is essentially correct. These are "prosecution" witnesses. The purpose of the continuation of this hearing is what?
  5. How has this become all about the Biden corruption and not also about the 2016 election interference and CrowdStrike? Are the dems now indifferent to election interference?
  6. Although that's a made up word and describes the act very succinctly my mind sees a guy on a bicycle putting a manila folder in the top drawer. Is that worse than Mitt with his notebooks full of women candidates?
  7. Getting shot, or in this case being injured from a IED deserves our respect for the person putting themselves in a position of danger. It doesn't make them a hero. If that was the case then anyone run over by a truck or shot running away would be considered a hero. Neither does getting injured automatically make a person trustworthy or inure any degree of integrity upon that person. You are a sad case of a person so partisan and so far mentally gone that you are barely worth being used to fertilize a farmer's field. In other words, you have a long ways to go to even reach a level of cow schitt.
  8. So, Trump filed his taxes with the IRS and you want Congress to obtain them from the IRS to prove that he is hiding those tax returns from the IRS? You badly need a brain transplant.
  9. Don't tempt him. After all, he used to be from New Jersey.
  10. Thems fighting words! We all know that Eric Swallwell comes in 2nd and Jerry Nadler is a close 3rd.
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