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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. How can anyone think that Trump is going after Joe Biden because he's afraid of him? He doesn't know when to shut his mouth. Lizzy is a liar and makes schitt up.
  2. Got out in the 80's so it's been awhile. I've kept up with what is going on though. I have two nieces living in Orange County and Modesto. A brother that lived in Orange County but escaped to Delaware and a sister who lived in SF area and came back to WNY.
  3. No, I don't live there but I used to---Whittier Hills & Ventura.
  4. Does anyone have a good recipe for venison jerky?
  5. Really? They could afford a house in SC?
  6. Your homelessness in Southern California is in large part due to the price of the available land in order to build on. The available land is restricted by regulations created because of the lack of water. To top it off you have a mild climate that allows people to live in tents on the street.
  7. Lizzie says homelessness is caused by the government not building houses.
  8. The Left will do anything to hurt Trump. It doesn't matter how bad it hurts our country. Their partisanship trumps their patriotism.
  9. Wait until this crap comes before the Senate Judiciary Committee with John Kennedy making comments.
  10. Give him a break. You'd be pissed off too if your insurance cancelled your sex change operation half way through it.
  11. What does HAHA Gator have to do with this?
  12. It wouldn't be the first time they visited Chautauqua though. On one of their campaigns they stayed in the famed Chautauqua Institute and Willie played golf across the street at a Donald Ross designed course. Reports at the time from George Stephenopoulos was that he shot a 13 for 18 holes.
  13. I've been wondering about this for the last couple of hours. WTF does Gordon Sondland think it's so important to get back to Europe? Does he think he has a future in his ambassadorship or is he just trying to boost his frequent flyer miles?
  14. I know they're dumber than dumb, but isn't that a bridge too far? Cat meme=pu$$y
  15. Why do we always get a bunch of Canadians showing up here to denigrate our president and our way of life whenever there's a little controversy. Not talking about you Row33, you're a regular.
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