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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. The head ware actually improves her looks. She is from Minneapolis, which has a large Muslim population including many Somalians. I'm not so sure she'll lose because of her politics, but maybe because of her promiscuity.
  2. There are a few former democrat political advisors that are very concerned regarding the direction their party is taking. Mark Penn and Doug Schoen are two of them. Dick Morris is another. It's a movement called Demaway.
  3. Poor education is caused by the liberal influence on educators. Our teachers and administrations should get back to the basics such as the 3 r's and quit trying to revise history. They are deliberately erasing the things that have made our country great and eliminating our culture that recognizes our past.
  4. People in glass houses...……………...you $2 ho. A throuple, eh? I'd have just told him to go fvck himself.
  5. Remember guys, you get what you pay for.
  6. Trump would not be Trump if he accepted a censure and admitted he did something wrong. How many times should Obama have been censured or even impeached for wrongdoing? Trump should not give an inch based on the actual evidence brought out in the sham investigation. This is all being done to affect the 2020 election. The democrats and MSM are doing their best to damage Trump and he shouldn't go along with their attempts to do so. We elected a fighter and expect nothing less.
  7. BREAKING NEWS: George Clooney and Matt Damon have been arrested along with nine others in Dresden heist.
  8. https://www.redstate.com/elizabeth-vaughn/2019/11/25/boomerang-liberal-watchdog-group-publishes-foia-documents-target-giuliani-fail-realize-documents-detail-bidenukraine-corruption/ On Friday, liberal watchdog group American Overreach received 100 pages of State Department documents they had requested through a FOIA request. The documents show that President Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, had “multiple contacts” with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Rep. Devin Nunes and others during his investigation of Ukrainian corruption, none of which is illegal. (Every American president has had their own version of Rudy Giuliani.) Austin Evers, executive director of American Oversight, said the documents reveal “a clear paper trail from Rudy Giuliani to the Oval Office to Secretary Pompeo to facilitate Giuliani’s smear campaign against a U.S. ambassador.” The records indicate that “Pompeo talked with Giuliani on March 26 and March 29. What the group fails to realize is that the documents include Giuliani’s interview notes which provide detailed accusations of corruption against the Bidens.” Giuliani had interviewed Victor Shokin, the Prosecutor General who was investigating Ukrainian natural gas company, Burisma Holdings in March 2016. Shokin was about to question Hunter Biden when former Vice President Joe Biden ordered then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to fire Shokin or he would hold back $1 billion in U.S. aid. Giuliani had also interviewed Yuriy Lutsenko, who had succeeded Shokin as Prosecutor General. The notes indicate that Lutsenko “believes Mr. Viktor Shokin the former Prosecutor General is honest.”
  9. One would think that with his money Georgie Boy would do something about those eyebags.
  10. Schiff is getting cold feet now that he is realizing that he's running out of escape routes. Does he really want to testify to his scheme to create a whistleblower and his subsequent coaching of him? He can tell the truth or perjure himself. Up Schiff Creek without a paddle.
  11. Oooops: https://www.westernjournal.com/eagle-eyed-nunes-finds-loophole-clause-allows-gop-call-witnesses/ Rep. Devin Nunes of California and other Republicans may get to call their witnesses in the House impeachment inquiry after all, thanks to a clause cited in a letter signed by nine GOP representatives. The Thursday letter appears to exploit a loophole in an attempt to bring forward witnesses denied by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff. The California Democrat previously denied many of Republicans’ witness requests, a power he was granted after a rule change earlier in the month. According to Nunes’ letter, the newfound clause is “not displaced” by the rule change. Among other witnesses, the congressman attempted to call the whistleblower and Schiff himself to testify in the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump. “Although Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi promised that Democrats would ‘treat the President with fairness,'” Nunes wrote, “you have repeatedly prevented Republicans from fully and fairly examining issues central to the Democrat’s ‘impeachment inquiry.’ “Therefore, pursuant to House Rule XI, Clause 2(j)(1), we, the undersigned Republican Members of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, exercise our right to convene a hearing with witnesses selected by the Minority to testify in the Democrats’ ‘impeachment inquiry.'”
  12. I have a novel approach to up that 41% to more than double that, and I'm not going to spend millions to do so: 1. Every child that doesn't meet grade standards will be required to stay after school and learn to read. 2. See above.
  13. From your link: But Barr’s real crime in his November speech was detailing the damage being done to the Constitution by Congress and the courts usurping presidential authority. The American presidency, Barr said, is “one of the great, and remarkable innovations in our Constitution.” It has been “one of the most successful features of the Constitution in protecting the liberties of the American people.” The “steady encroachment on presidential authority” has “substantially weakened the functioning of the executive branch, to the detriment of the nation.” Many historians mistakenly believe the American Revolution was a rebellion against “monarchical tyranny” and that the Founders wanted a weak executive. By that time, though, the British Parliament had “effectively neutered” the monarchy. In fact, as Barr explained, the Founders understood that their “prime antagonist was an overweening” legislature, a view strengthened by a weak executive during the American Revolution as well as under the Articles of Confederation. Thus, said Barr, the Founders wanted a strong executive who could “act with energy, consistency, and decisiveness.” As Thomas Jefferson put it, for “the prompt, clear, and consistent action so necessary in an Executive, unity of person is necessary.” And so we have the constitutional doctrine of the unitary executive. Barr pointed out that one of the “more amusing aspects of modern progressive polemic is the breathless attacks” on the unitary executive as if this doctrine is something new that justifies “executive power of sweeping scope.” But this is also wrong. Not only isn’t the unitary executive a new idea, but rather than pertaining to “the breadth of presidential power,” it simply means that that the powers of the executive branch, whatever they are, “must be exercised under the president’s supervision.” Thus, when Congress encroaches on the authority of the executive branch by vesting the “power to enforce the law in someone beyond the control of the president, it contravenes the Framers’ clear intent to vest that power in a single person, the president.” So much, says Barr, “for this supposedly nefarious theory of the unitary executive.” Barr is deeply concerned that “there has been a steady grinding down of the executive branch’s authority” that damages the ability of the president to carry out his constitutional duties and to protect the liberty and freedom of the American people. With Trump’s election, his opponents launched what Barr called “The Resistance,” an explicit strategy to use “every tool and maneuver available to sabotage the functioning of his administration.”
  14. Seems to me there's a reason for his nonsense. Back when the country was debating making gay marriage legal he was on a gigantic crusade supporting it. That was about the only thing he commented on here. Now, why would he want to keep pedophilia hidden and not exposed?
  15. The House is certainly working hard to accomplish bipartisan acts or laws that will have a real affect on things. Their deliberations and passage of the USMCA and the common sense compromise on Immigration Reform shows their willingness to roll up their sleeves and get to work making real things happen. -) Passing a bill admonishing China will certainly make China cry "Uncle" and change their ways. "Feelings"
  16. For those of you unclear, this is the perfect example of irony. The Bug Douche calling someone else what he is.
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