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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. 4:30pm game on Thanksgiving Day. Dinners done and people want to watch football. Also, it was thought of as the best matchup of the day.
  2. Fair Tax. It is a consumption tax but allows everybody to be rebated tax based on the first $30-$40,000 earned. It has to be done as a sales tax but under no circumstances a Value Added Tax that could easily be manipulated by the government and hidden from the general public. It would reduce the size of the IRS and will bring in taxes that are now being avoided.
  3. My homepage is MSN (only to provide me with "information" I might not otherwise see). The NYT article came across as "BREAKING NEWS". I was immediately suspicious of the headline that claimed that the FBI didn't infiltrate the Trump campaign. My thoughts were: "WTF said they did?" Other people picked up on this and I think a reference to the article was posted in 4 different threads. Some used it as a justification for downplaying all of the investigations. This just goes to show how people not knowledgeable about what's been going on are so easily fooled by the disinformation that the MSM puts out there favoring the Left and Deep State. Yes, people like Tiberius and Gary Busey are so weak minded that they fall for such a charade and then try to use it to argue points here.
  4. Whatever do you mean? HAHA Gator takes it up the ole poop chute after everyone of his comments here. One might think he misunderstood the times he was called a bottom feeder and now looks forward to it.
  5. Yeppir. They had such a solid case against him they had to resort to those tactics to try to prove it.
  6. Row33, succumbing to his urge to converse with HAHA Gator.
  7. Why was the original prosecutor removed from the case? Where is your link?
  8. This slanted (and outright lie) is being mocked in other threads.
  9. The NYT slant on the Horowitz investigation: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/russia-inquiry-review-is-expected-to-undercut-trump-claim-of-fbi-spying/ar-BBXqMKh? Just a sample: The finding is one of several by Mr. Horowitz that undercuts conservatives’ claims that the F.B.I. acted improperly in investigating several Trump associates starting in 2016. He also found that F.B.I. leaders did not take politically motivated actions in pursuing a secret wiretap on a former Trump campaign adviser, Carter Page — eavesdropping that Mr. Trump’s allies have long decried as politically motivated.
  10. Some people give meshit for quoting HAHA Gator or asking him to explain himself and he usually always responds with nonsense. Sometimes his nonsense is pure gold though.
  11. From your link: A Pastiche of Gossip and Smears Finally, the sleazy Schiffite proceedings at the House Intelligence Committee were so lopsided, arbitrary, and contemptuous of the rights of the Republican minority on the committee and those of the president as the investigated party, no American court could possibly accept a requested prosecution that emerged from such a vitiated and tainted proceeding. Given all of the foregoing facts—which are indisputable—the country, despite the wall-to-wall disinformation effort of the non-Fox media, seems already to be asking why this unmitigated foolishness is distracting the attention of the country and the world at all. Any Democratic member of the House of Representatives who votes to send this pastiche of gossip and smears to an impeachment trial, and any senator who votes to convict on it, should be removed by their electors at the first opportunity, and many will be. Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) is an abominable and totalitarian sleaze-merchant and procedural assassin, and the country cannot have failed to notice that, too. (Maybe Kanye West should run against him for the alleged honor of representing Hollywood.) All that can be said is that Schiff is a less incompetent assassin than Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.), the porcine and mendacious bungler wallowing in the chair of the House Judiciary Committee, who struck out with hearings on Robert Mueller’s feebly attempted putsch. This entire impeachment inquiry has been a disgrace, a shameful abuse of powers, and the authors of it should be punished as only the voters can do. If it goes one faltering step further, they will be.
  12. Please explain how green energy will be way cheaper than natural gas or oil. Be specific.
  13. This is why it is important to keep his tax returns private. People who don't know schitt from shinola will try to analyze things and they will be wrong. They will easily confuse assessed value with appraised value and gross vs. net.
  14. You probably don't need a lesson on punctuation or spelling. If you weren't so careless and lacking of pride in your work you wouldn't be always ***** up. Use spellcheck and take a peek of your work before posting. Don't be a dumbshit. Somehow I believe you when you say you are visiting a fairy.
  15. Ah, now I remember why I got away from discussing anything with you. You twist what other people say and misrepresent their arguments. Yes, our founding fathers were imperfect people but tearing them down is nothing but an attempt to belittle our constitution.
  16. Yes, our children should be taught how to think along with a true history of the USA. I don't believe in tearing down statues and turning our founding fathers into nefarious people. Our republic is special and to lessen its status in the world is allowing the liberal teacher unions to make us comparable to the weak socialistic countries of Europe.
  17. So, Xi is calling the shots for the world, eh? There's nothing we can do? Might as well do the math and figure out how many hookers I can do and how much blow I can have in the next 11 years.
  18. Do you believe those times when you "feel pretty" that you should be able to visit the girl's room?
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