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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Proof that know nothing about that relationship and are just fools.
  2. We only have about a decade before the world ends if we don't do something. Let's go with the tried and true methods to save our existence. We can tilt at windmills later.
  3. Sell what technology? I'd rather sell the rest of the world natural gas so that they could get rid of old coal operated plants. We reduced our carbon emission by 20% over the last decade or so, let them follow our example.
  4. Even if you were correct it would take too long to convert over to wind and solar energy to make a difference. Maybe, just maybe if we got all of the other countries to reject the Paris Climate agreement like we did and reduce carbon emissions like we have there's a chance, however slim, that we can save the world. Frack baby, frack.
  5. I looked everywhere in that article for a mention of China or India and couldn't find them mentioned. One would presume that they would need to be at the heart of any effective carbon emission reduction. That is, if they are being genuine.
  6. Without a doubt. I have a MAGA hat but it's never been worn. I don't do bumper stickers either and if I were polled I'd give them some bs or just hang up.
  7. With that slogan maybe he should be running for Buffalo Mayor.
  8. Look at me, hijacking my own thread. Let's get it back on track. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's Jooooooooey!
  9. For the most part the comments here have been good but it doesn't really matter how a team played in the first part of the year. The Bills are a much improved team than they were at the beginning of the year even though they started out 3-1. What matters is how a team is finishing to get into the playoffs. The Browns beat the Ravens earlier but would one expect a repeat over a team that wasn't playing very well when that game occurred?
  10. Actually "W" quit playing golf when we invaded Iraq. He thought it wrong to do so while we were at war.
  11. We've always had the upper hand as it pertains to China. There's nothing that they can do to gain leverage without hurting themselves more. Now all Xi can do is try to save face within his country. Our position is called the "catbirds seat".
  12. But Trump didn't put any tariffs on North American hardwoods. China did and that's hurting their furniture manufacturers. Maybe we should make up for China's use of inferior hardwoods and start up some more furniture companies here in North America.
  13. So, it's mainly red oak from North America that they're pining for and can't get the same quality (without paying the tariffs the Chinese themselves put on the product) elsewhere like Russia or Malaysia? I think I have a solution. -) It is nice to see that a Chinese company is proud of their association with the American hardwood industry because of their wonderful forest management and environmental record. We should be proud that we know when and how to harvest the forests to keep them sustainable and vibrant. America (and I suppose Canada) leading the way again by being environmentally responsible.
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