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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. But Pamala Karlan knows that "us" means "me". Must be those numerous degrees that she has have enlightened her.
  2. Generally speaking, those that stay in the academic world are so insulated from the real world that they believe in such things as The Green New Deal.
  3. Read the transcript and then you might find out why Trump supporters believe this is all bogus.
  4. John Adams: Your posts here are muddled and confusing. Many posters here misunderstand you and when you get called out on them you have to explain what you meant. You also are a 2nd rate prick. You claim to be a lawyer and that may be true, but one thing for sure is that you are not a trial lawyer. Your MO is such that you would piss off both the judge and jury to the extent that you could never win a case. You must be shoved off in the corner and not allowed to associate with others at work. I bet you spent half of elementary school in the coat room. You are what is commonly called a fvcking jerk.
  5. Fine lawyer you must be, ignoring the fact that Trump asked for help in investigating Ukraine's interference in the 2016 election and Crowdstrike. Per the transcript of the call, 500 words later he asked Zelensky to look into the Biden's possible corruption after it was brought up by Zelensky.
  6. Nancy Pelosi, in her news conference just said that this impeachment is not political after previously saying that the reason for acting for impeachment was because the polls had changed from a large majority against impeachment to about 50/50. She also said that she wasn't rushing into impeachment since the process has been going on for 2 1/2 years. Think about that. Trump is also a coward about helping our kids and Dreamers (per Pelosi). Disingenuous $%#@.
  7. Why would Trump be afraid of Biden? He should welcome Biden as his opponent in the general election. All one has to do is to get Biden excited or under pressure and he'll spout off how much he enjoys kids jumping up and down on his lap. Trump knows how to needle people and Biden is more thin skinned than a Trojan. A debate between the two would be pure comedy.
  8. You mean when George Zimmerman, the white Hispanic, hunted down the innocent little boy who could be Obama's son like a dog? Good times here!
  9. Well all the dems need to do is start up an affirmative action program for their candidates.
  10. You are just too clever. It's really cute that you remember that devastating retort and use it so often. You Canadians are just so smart.
  11. "Us" is a King's way of saying "me"--------Pamala Karlan, wordsmith that she is, is also a mind reader.
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