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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Rep Doug Collins just said on tv that the dems are trying to make chicken salad out of chicken schiff.
  2. Obama refused lethal aid to Ukraine for over two years and....................................crickets. Trump holds up lethal aid to Ukraine for 55 days in order to fulfill his legal duties and the Left wants to kick him out of office. Who told Medvedev that he would have more flexibility after his reelection?
  3. You're just hounding him! You're preventing him from spewing his nonsense to other people by disputing what he posts. You also made him get so mad that he dropped his roach clip down the drain!
  4. Obama refused lethal aid to Ukraine for over two years and....................................crickets. Trump holds up lethal aid to Ukraine for 55 days in order to fulfill his legal duties and the Left wants to kick him out of office. Who told Medvedev that he would have more flexibility after his reelection?
  5. The bill says that the money was to be dispersed by 9/30/19. The law regarding foreign aid also states that we should not disperse it to corrupt countries. Ukraine had means to protect themselves from Russian tanks, but at some time they would need more. Trump clearly wanted to determine if Zelensky was working to fight corruption. Ukraine is not the only country that he has questioned regarding corruption and foreign aid. There's nothing to see here. What will you grasp at when all straws are banned?
  6. So Einstein, doing it several times vs once is environmentally more friendly? On the odd chance that your power is not generated by Niagara Falls do you know where it is generated? If it is generated by Niagara Falls do you know that by having to do it several times you are using energy that other people can use? Do you know that eventually you are causing more coal to be burned to supply electricity to those that you are depriving from electricity generated by Niagara Falls? So, in summary you are too cheap to do your part to reduce climate change. You really don't put your mouth where your money is, do you?
  7. Do you beat your wife often? How high does one have to be to ask that kind of a question (in your post) and expect people to answer it? You're either really, really stupid and basted in partisanship or too lazy to read enough to find out the truth. Which one is it?
  8. With so much stuff going over your head you might want to take a vitamin D supplement.
  9. "In this particular incident, the border wall system worked exactly as designed," Devack said, noting detection technology and agent response." The wall was never designed to eliminate all illegal aliens. It was designed to slow them down enough while crossing that they would be caught. It was never intended to be 100% effective because that would be too expensive. This is the wrong hill for you to die on.
  10. "A video taken by a Mexican citizen shows the newly replaced border fence in Mexicali being scaled by two men with a rope ladder, one of whom makes it over to the United States. The 38-second video shows a pair of men climbing the ladder while another holds it on the Mexico side of the border. After one man successfully slides down the railing to the U.S. side and starts running toward a second structure, another begins yelling in Spanish, "Hurry, hurry, jump the fence." A vehicle that appears to belong to U.S. Border Patrol then pulls up and officials emerge, prompting the other men to gather the ladder and slide back down the fence into Mexico. The 16-year-old Mexican citizen who ran into the U.S. was apprehended by Border Patrol, Assistant Chief Patrol Agent Joshua Devack said in a video statement posted to Twitter. "All too often, criminal organizations exploit juveniles in this regard," Devack said in the video, which was shot at the same location. U.S. immigration officials are working with Mexican authorities to locate the other two men, he said. "In this particular incident, the border wall system worked exactly as designed," Devack said, noting detection technology and agent response." Laugh all you want HAHA Gator but you just posted an article about how well the wall is working.
  11. Kemosabe? Thinking of a new screen name? Sounds like you are leaning towards a Native American one. May I suggest "Forked Tongue", "Au Contraire" or "Spouting Bull"?
  12. What with all of Joe's small crowd sizes Trump should hold a rally in Iowa with his 20-30,000 attendees. It would be the ultimate troll job.
  13. Most of the liberals at the NATO meeting are weaklings, along with their respective countries. There's not one of them though that wouldn't covet a visit to the White House. Trump has done a hell of a good job with gigantic headwinds facing him. He's keeping his campaign promises and the rest of the world envies the schitt out of him. It's popular in liberal circles to make fun of him and not all of his voters will defend him in public in order to avoid the hysterical Left. They will vote for him though.
  14. If I were you I'd be getting a little nervous if we ever decide to rid PPP of asswipes.
  15. The voting wasn't even close. The Greater Philadelphia Association of Failed Lawyers have awarded you the 2019 Biggest Prick Award.
  16. Was there ever any documentation of his misdeed(s)? There's a difference between banging a 16 year old when she claimed to be 18 and making a habit out of going after 12 year old girls. With that said, one instance here is a foolish mistake of statutory rape while the other would make him a true pedophile.
  17. Instead of just being a clown why don't you at least attempt to engage in actual discussion here? You know, try to become part of the community rather than being a sniper.
  18. I see now, you're posting from a children's book.
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