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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Very nice. I had to listen to it twice since the first time I was distracted thinking that it was going to be an Ode To Achmed, the dead terrorist. They might want to trim out that door too.
  2. Well my old pappy used to say: "If you can't say anything nice about someone, don't say anything at all".
  3. He's trying to freeze out PPP's Deplorables like Gary Busey, HAHA Gator and Bob in Michigan. Since they've never had an original idea, they're *****.
  4. Not crazy: DC Tom Crazy: DC Tom Really Crazy: DC Tom Pick the day.
  5. HAHA Gator wantonly wastes electricity because he is too cheap to purchase a snow blower powerful enough to clear his Fischer-Price play driveway in one shot.
  6. Trump's lawyers did send a letter about 4:30 pm to the House basically telling them to ***** off and we'll all see how it goes in a fair Senate trial. Dems are like moths drawn to the flame of impeachment. Sorry to tell you this, but Nancy is incapable of blinking. I mean really, she can't physically blink. She would make a great Jeff Dunham dummy though if he could get up the courage to have her sit on his lap.
  7. Well, circling the wagons sometimes only keeps the culprits bottled up and in one place. We, as Bills fans only know too well that it doesn't always work, like in 4 years in a row. Too soon?
  8. If the dems had a viable candidate capable of beating Trump then they wouldn't be going through this charade of impeachment. They've used up all of their ammunition and now are throwing the gun as a last ditch effort to have relevance.
  9. Meet the Left's point man who is using their idea of the impeachment process to affect an election. I give you Jerry The Hut:
  10. Bernie has been an avowed socialist/communist all of his life. He even honeymooned in Russia in the seventies when the cold war was going strong. When Comrade Bernie's little picadillos come out he will be ridiculed by those not on the far left. Being ridiculed is a candidates biggest enemy.
  11. You lawyers, always mincing words. Why don't you just come out and say getting your fingerprints are going to cost the feds one good looking hooker.
  12. Please don't put me on ignore and hound me like you do DC Tom & DR. Let me cut to the chase. Because I don't agree with you I'm just immediately rejecting negative information about Trump? I'm sure I've spent lot more time on this subject than you have. I haven't taken any immediate opinion but I am skeptical when it comes to people who have been lying to the country for years. In other words I think for myself and you want Nancy Pelosi to do my thinking for me.
  13. I don't know what the problem is here. It's been proven that the FBI did not place a plant in the Trump campaign so let's just drop all the investigations. Move along, nothing to see here.
  14. Yes, it was a game that was not as close as the score. From everything I see Trump is not guilty of any reasonable impeachment crimes. If that changes I will take another look at it. With that said, thanks for not putting me on "ignore" and completely inundating me with your schitt.
  15. There's a strong appearance of extortion that needs to be actually investigated.
  16. So, there's no connection between our environmental efforts and climate change? Have you not posted here numerous times your support for The Green New Deal? You're like a toddler who claims he didn't eat the box of cookies but his face is white from the frosting and crumbs are all over him.
  17. He doesn't realize it but he just took it up the ass from Hillary.
  18. I know that we on the right or those that call ourselves independent don't have a Pelosi to direct our thought processes, but I guess we aren't lucky enough to be ruled by thought police. It just so happens that most here realize that there are numerous different reasons that Trump didn't do anything that approaches reasonable impeachment. That happens when people think for themselves. I have determined, with the information available that the truth is that Trump is not guilty of any impeachable offense. If that information were to change I might change my mind. Why hasn't pot cured TDS?
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