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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Remember people, most if not all of the bad guys have already been removed from the FBI or DOJ and Horowitz could not force them to be questioned by the OIG.
  2. Is that your informed opinion after reading and analyzing the nearly 500 page report?
  3. Once Admiral Rodgers dried up the ability for pre coup people to illegally obtain information by domestic spying the pre coup people went to the FISA court to get a warrant on Carter Page. It was turned down until they put the Dossier into the request. They then obtained a warrant. This was sworn to by Andy McCabe.
  4. HAHA Gator is claiming that he didn't laugh at the Benghazi deaths of Americans. Wow. Does anyone know how that could be true?
  5. LOL? I thought you saved that for dead Americans who were killed by terrorists.
  6. There really isn't all that much to blow up. That is a picture of what was seen under the microscope.
  7. What country's leader has he not said something similar? It's part of his MO. "Speak softly (in a friendly manner) but carry a big stick." Do you really think that he and Chairman Kim are having a love affair?
  8. Link something showing that Trump is "best friends" with them. Don't confuse the issue with them being strategic partners of our country.
  9. He has never had a game unless you figure that jumping onto cow flops as if they were mud puddles when he was a kid was somehow cool.
  10. Out of Swalwell, Schiff, Watters, Hank Johnson and Al Green, Green seems to be the least messed up. Read that again and then reflect how messed up the dems are.
  11. I'd say that the hypocrisy on the left is astounding but it's not. It has become expected. They've found a new way of playing Russian Roulette by never giving up the gun. They disparage Trump for wanting to keep the ability to negotiate with Russia, but turn their backs to Obama's monumental treason when he told Mededvev to tell Putin that he would be more flexible regarding Europe's self defense after the 2012 American elections.
  12. You must be very, very short since everything goes right over your head. Have you figured out yet that Trump speaks softly but carries a big stick? He blusters some but thinks that it is a good idea to try to develop a relationship with both friends and adversaries. Sanctions on Russia are a lot more extensive than Obama ever implemented for the annexation of Crimea. Trump has been in office for 3 years and you lefties still haven't figured out that what Trump does is what's important. What he says is sometimes a sideshow but is mostly part of his negotiating style. So far Trump has brought about unprecedented peace and prosperity while dealing with constant headwinds created by the Left. Many on the Left or in what has been considered the establishment are on a path to lose their positions of power and the corrupt benefits they receive if Trump stays in office for another 5 years. What's the Left's answer? Kamikaze attacks to damage his presidency before the next elections. Has anyone told you dumbshits that you might do some damage to the attackee but you'll definitely go down in flames by doing so? ***** idiots!
  13. Yes, yes he has: https://www.rt.com/usa/377346-spicer-russia-return-crimea/ US President Donald Trump has been tough on Russia and expects Moscow to “return” the Crimea peninsula to Ukraine, the White House spokesman told reporters. Addressing the resignation of National Security Adviser Michael Flynn – hounded by the media over his contacts with Russian diplomats prior to Trump’s inauguration – Spicer pointed out that Russia “seized” Crimea under the Obama administration and that the Trump-appointed ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley has “strongly denounced the Russian occupation.” "President Trump has made it very clear that he expects the Russian government to de-escalate violence in the Ukraine and return Crimea," Spicer said at the daily news briefing on Tuesday. “At the same time, he fully expects to – and wants to – get along with Russia." “Crimea is a part of Ukraine. Our Crimea-related sanctions will remain in place until Russia returns control of the peninsula to Ukraine,” Haley said at the UN Security Council meeting on February 2. This was done within 2 weeks of Trump's inauguration. Might you consider verifying your bs before posting it?
  14. I never thought of you as a strategic thinker that would plan 5 years ahead.
  15. I would never confuse you with anything like a Rising-Penis. Limp-Dick is more like it.
  16. I wonder what I may need to do to get debriefed by her?
  17. We all know that the impeachment hearings are being rushed to overshadow the OIG Report and/or Huber's indictments.
  18. You mean like getting other Congressmen's, staff members and journalists phone numbers and exposing them in official public documents?
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