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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Just watched a Barr interview with a WSJ reporter on Fox. Barr reminds me of a no nonsense Mark Levin. Not a bad person to be lumped in with, for either person. You are out of your league here but alas, I don't think even the Kiddie Table will take you back.
  2. Is this the point in time where I say "I told you so", or is it too soon? JA:
  3. "I'll have more flexibility after my reelection". That statement alone has more in it favoring impeachment than anything Trump has ever uttered. Break it down to "I'll sell out NATO and our relationship with it, but only after I have secured four more years in office".
  4. I give you two examples of the Dems disingenuous MO and you choose to ignore them. The Dems have shown time and again what their priorities are. Generally speaking, they base their policies on what's good for the Democrat Party and what will give them the most power. The Republican positions (generally speaking) tend to be based more on what's best for this country. I gave you two examples of that and you go back to Empty Chair rhetoric, designed to celebrate do nothing stalemates. The reason the Dems are so afraid of Trump is that he promised to upset the apple cart and is actually doing it. BTW, Nancy Pelosi is now attempting to take credit for the USMCA.
  5. "I'll try to keep it peaceful and positive in this thread. Let's all try to do the same."
  6. Ah, so you're in favor of not posting research by anyone other than yourself?
  7. Say what you want about Bush regarding his policies but he was/is a far better man than Obama could ever aspire to be.
  8. He's not better than that. He's nothing but another Tiberius who can spell. (usually)
  9. I can't fathom you saying that with a straight face. Tell it to the Dreamers. Two years ago the dems had a perfect avenue to getting 2.5 times what they had been pressing for and they backed away to avoid giving Trump a win. What about the USMCA? WTF has it taken a year to finally be getting some traction in the House? Let's see "3rd Chair" is taken and while you could get the mantle of "4th Chair" you are not allowed near a courtroom. (it's a likability thing) Ah, I got it: "Empty Chair" seems about right for you. I could have went with "Yesbut" but that is already taken.
  10. Has anyone seen the schedule so that we know when the House Judicial Minority Hearing is?
  11. Think of Horowitz as Ed McMahon and Barr as Johnny Carson with special guest John Wayne (Huber). As Stephen the Irishman said in Braveheart: "The Almighty tells me he can get me out of this mess, but he's pretty sure you're *****."
  12. Those are the lightest skinned hip-hoppers I think I've ever seen.
  13. The mere fact that Transplant wants everything explained to him in a short and simple way lends truth to the fact that he's a Reader's Digest kind of guy. He writes here that he knows a lot about Mifsud but refuses to expound upon that while asking DR to educate him. If he really knows a lot about Mifsud why does he need a summary from DR and why does he denigrate the threads here without having read them? If one is a "summary" kind of person then they are not a "thinking" kind of person and rely purely on what they are told. It has been obvious since he started posting in PPP that @transplantbillsfan is a lefty and has fallen for what the MSM tells him because it's what he wants to believe, not what he has come to believe.
  14. Why don't you try that in all the threads, not just one that you started and bump every few minutes?
  15. Tom hasn't posted since you made that little faux pas. "Your a moron" is a PPP joke, and most of us know that.
  16. We all know about moran instead of moron but has "to" now replaced "too" here? What's next, "then" instead of "than"? "Of" instead of "have"?
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