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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Sad retort. When one is incapable of debating the subject, change it, eh?
  2. Trump asked for help in finding out about Ukraine's actions in the 2016 elections and the dnc server and CrowdStrike. It wasn't until 500 words later that the subject of the Biden's came up and that was actually brought up by Zelensky. This was in the 2nd call between Trump and Zelinsky.
  3. If not for Nancy's efforts none of Trump's initiatives would come to fruition. In fact, rumor has it that she was the one who invented the internet, not Gore.
  4. The DOJ's investigation into this mess is like investigating an iceberg. Horowitz was assigned to investigate the exposed tip. Durham gets the rest of it. Horowitz's investigation was limited to questioning present FBI employees and the known transgressions regarding procedures. Considering his limitations, Horowitz came up with some pretty damning issues. Durham, who has expanded the investigation to higher ups and overseas connections will be the hammer, and what a big hammer it will be.
  5. I said this at the time and I say it now. If Clinton wasn't so filled with hubris he might have come up with a statement regarding his previous denials were to only protect the reputation of a young lady. He could have come out of it viewed in a much more sympathetic light and almost be considered a stand up guy.
  6. So, you think I have a secret desire to be an amoeba?
  7. From the mouth of PPP's Stupidshit Judge.
  8. How can you expect anyone to take you seriously when you make a statement like what's in bold above?
  9. And the Sabres are suffering a pox placed on them for having their arena being named HSBC Arena at one time.
  10. BG--page 542 in the DOJ Appoints Mueller Probe thread has the Barr interview.

  11. In all instances? No. In the important instances? Yes. The dems prove time and time again that they are incapable of doing what's right for the country and eschewing partisanship. Just look at the 2 instances that I gave John Adams. Can you tell me you don't cringe with the constant lies coming from the mouths of Swallwell, Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi Hank Johnson, Maxine Watters and the Squad?
  12. Mueller stated that President Trump did not in any way commit collusion/conspiracy. He also stated that he had no evidence of Obstruction of Justice.
  13. So the 2+ year Mueller probe with dozens of dem prosecutors and immense money spent on prosecution didn't bring up anything worth impeachment but Schiff & Nadler could spend a few weeks and find something worthy of impeachment? Gotcha.
  14. "I'll try to keep it peaceful and positive in this thread. Let's all try to do the same."
  15. "I'll try to keep it peaceful and positive in this thread. Let's all try to do the same."
  16. From your link: Barry H. Berke, a New York-based white-collar defense lawyer, has served as the special oversight counsel to the committee since February, working to build the investigative framework that now appears destined to end in the impeachment of Mr. Trump. On Monday, he will take a rare turn at the witness table to present for 30 minutes the facts before the committee and how they square with the law. So, Barry Berke has been working on impeachment since February and the only charges that have come up are in the Ukraine matter? It's almost as if it was an investigation searching for a crime.
  17. "I'll try to keep it peaceful and positive in this thread. Let's all try to do the same."
  18. You are correct in that the dems know without a doubt that the Senate will never find Trump guilty based on these trumped up charges. They are attempting to satisfy their very leftist base while simultaneously spreading doubts about Trump with the electorate. What they don't fully comprehend is that the MSM no longer controls the narrative in its entirety. Social Media is going to play a large part in getting the truth out there. They (the dems) should brace themselves for an old fashioned ass kicking.
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