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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. So, if the President put a firing under consideration, is it grounds for an obstruction of justice charge then if he considers many different things? What if he considers smoking pot in the White House or thinks about messing around with a 16 year old intern? Those instances are illegal and if he hides those thoughts is he obstructing justice? Sounds ridiculous but aren't they the same?
  2. If their job is driving a vehicle on public streets then it is the only responsible thing to do to can their asses.
  3. You give him too much credit. He hasn't been reduced to this level of stupidity, it's his life's work. He aspires to it.
  4. Blumenthal asking questions that are out of Horowitz's purview so he can get the "no" answers he wants.
  5. What's being conflated here is the start of the investigation with the first FISA warrant. It's not the start of the investigation that is worrisome, it's the illegal way they carried out that investigation that includes the misinformation and hidden information used to obtain a FISA warrant.
  6. The first warrant was obtained with the aid of the Steele Dossier. Prior warrant requests were turned down without the dossier.
  7. He's an insect, who hasn't learned what the problem is in flying too close to the Venus Fly Trap. Time and time again he posts nonsense here and has nothing to even remotely back it up. When pressed, he posts stupid memes.
  8. I read that msnbc carried Graham's opening statement but the commentators talked all over it.
  9. Ah, a two year old article to bolster your contentions. Now, what were you trying to convey again? I made a post a few days ago referring to the fact that your dickiness is partially caused by your inability to state your case clearly and people misunderstand you because of it. You may be right or you may be wrong but you fail to state your case clearly enough for posters here to be able to have a genuine discussion with you.
  10. Horowitz did not have the legal ability to interview or even speak to the bad actors.
  11. That's a fake degree. It doesn't even have batteries.
  12. На Родине мы кормим тупых ебать свиней.
  13. Remember people, Horowitz's investigation was limited and he could not subpoena the bad actors that had already been fired.
  14. Kamala's seat is not empty anymore. Joe Biden walked in and wonders why he wasn't notified of the hearing like all of the other senators were. He then mumbled something about Watergate.
  15. When combined with his broken English it's a slam dunk.
  16. Was the OIG report limited in scope? Could Horowitz subpoena Mifsud? You show an amazing lack of knowledge of the process but a real ability to cherry pick. Congrats.
  17. While reading this I heard a more than faint Russian accent, comrade.
  18. So, you mean to say that the hole is closing without the help of humans? Doesn't that mean it could increase in size without the help of humans also? A bit of advice counselor, never ask a question without knowing the answer.
  19. Chris Wallace just stated on Fox that Carter Page's surveillance was not authorized until 10-16. Totally oblivious to the fact that attempts were made before that, but were unsuccessful until the Dossier was used as a reason for the warrant. In order to keep transplant in the dark, as usual.
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