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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Eric Holder should keep his mouth shut. His time in office was chock full of illegal actions and cover ups. He could just as easily be wearing an orange jumpsuit as anyone else.
  2. I was referring to people who break the law, not just elected officials. In fact the bureaucracy is where the real problem likely exists. Already have one.
  3. This right here. Changing laws to enforce new levels of adherence isn't the answer. We're a nation of laws and we have criminals embedded in our government protected by criminals. No amount of half measures are going to straighten the situation out. People that are in our government that break the law should be penalized to the fullest extent. Remember, we're talking about people who tried to overthrow our duly elected president by breaking our laws.
  4. You're an idiot. Comey was attempting a coup against the sitting president named Obama?
  5. It's possible that the laws need to be changed but what is that based on? Were our present laws adhered to or were they broken? Were our present laws sufficient if they were actually followed? Changing the law because our old law was broken by people with evil intent doesn't seem to actually address the real problem. If that's true any thinking person would see that it's an enforcement of present law issue not a systemic problem within the structure of our laws. In other words, if the law is sufficient it's time to lock a few people up and throw away the key.
  6. She needs a paddle boat to traverse the oceans on her quest for a fossil fuel free world.
  7. Changing the laws or procedures is your only fix for the hell we've gone through for the last three or so years? Don't point any fingers or place blame? Let the perpetrators of a coup off the hook? Do you actually think that letting thisshit slide is going to correct the problem? In any other time there would be several people being charged with treason over the attempt to frame a president in order to remove him from office. Heads should fly over this to make people think twice about doing such a thing in the future.
  8. I'm already so grown up it doesn't bother me to make some childish little comments and giggle about it.
  9. The hearing today was actually rather boring. I had to ask myself why and I came to the conclusion that it was because I already knew the answers. It must have given you a real feeling of accomplishment to have nailed things so well.
  10. You should mentor John Adams regarding courtroom manner and show him what a magical defense consists of. I know that's a lot to ask but Perry Mason reruns just aren't doing it for him.
  11. Back to the "no spy in the Trump campaign" bs. I'm here to announce that contrary to all of the rumors I didn't have a threesome with "Two Broke Girls".
  12. Horowitz was fairly well neutered in this investigation but it appears that he got out what was needed. Durham will have the juice to get people to flip. Don't "short" popcorn stocks. Corner the market, Mortimer.
  13. They are not tethered to reality. It is one of those unfathomable questions in life that Trump, who is the President with the most support ever for anything Israel is hated with such a vehemence by Jews.
  14. What if I jokingly asked Russia (in front of millions of people) to locate 33,000 emails that were illegally erased to avoid prosecution of HRC? Does that warrant my prosecution?
  15. What if Trump actually fired him for being incompetent and the AG appointed a very competent SC instead? Would that be obstruction of justice? Mueller did not appear to be very competent in his hearing. Should Trump possibly be charged with obstruction of justice for not firing him?
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