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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Poll after poll shows that basically 25% of republicans are included in each poll while about 35% of democrats make up those polls. Taking into consideration that conservatives do not like to be queried regarding their political preferences and many people don't like to admit their preference for Trump, the polls are badly skewed. Once again, foolish democrats have tricked themselves.
  2. I've noticed that you in no way have denied your citizenship or country of origin. My reads are pretty accurate and frankly you aren't smart enough to fool me. How can you deny this? https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/16104/antifa-history
  3. I've mentioned that you are a Canadian at least 5 times here and you haven't disputed it once. I discovered it by your "tells" and you know I'm right but are afraid to challenge me.
  4. You can't go two posts without putting on full display your deep seated assmudgeonry. Per a witness the cops announced themselves and knocked before breaking down the door. Breonna's new boyfriend shot at the cops before they shot back. He admitted to this. Per the Grand Jury the cops had every right to shoot back in self defense. One cop was charged with basically reckless endangerment for being a bad shot, not hitting anything but inanimate objects. Some people claim that Breonna was intimately involved in her ex boyfriend's drug business, thus naturally putting her life in danger. She shares some of the blame for her own demise.
  5. https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/16104/antifa-history Empirical and anecdotal evidence shows that Antifa is, in fact, highly networked, well-funded and has a global presence. It has a flat organizational structure with dozens and possibly hundreds of local groups. Antifa's stated long-term objective, both in America and abroad, is to establish a communist world order. In the United States, Antifa's immediate aim is to bring about the demise of the Trump administration. A common tactic used by Antifa in the United States and Europe is to employ extreme violence and destruction of public and private property to goad the police into a reaction, which then "proves" Antifa's claim that the government is "fascist." Antifa is not only officially tolerated, but is being paid by the German government to fight the far right. — Bettina Röhl, German journalist, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, June 2, 2020. "Out of cowardice, its members cover their faces and keep their names secret. Antifa constantly threatens violence and attacks against politicians and police officers. It promotes senseless damage to property amounting to vast sums." — Bettina Röhl, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, June 2, 2020. U.S. Attorney General William Barr has blamed Antifa — a militant "anti-fascist" movement — for the violence that has erupted at George Floyd protests across the United States. "The violence instigated and carried out by Antifa and other similar groups in connection with the rioting is domestic terrorism and will be treated accordingly," he said. Barr also said that the federal government has evidence that Antifa "hijacked" legitimate protests around the country to "engage in lawlessness, violent rioting, arson, looting of businesses, and public property assaults on law enforcement officers and innocent people, and even the murder of a federal agent." Earlier, U.S. President Donald J. Trump had instructed the U.S. Justice Department to designate Antifa as a terrorist organization.
  6. Don't forget the pretzel avatar I gave you. It will fit in with all the pretzeling you do.
  7. Now there you go again, lying. Yes, a flash bang grenade accidentally ended up in a crib 5 years ago. Police didn't "put" it there. The female officer was acquitted of lying to a judge regarding the search warrant. Is lying ok now in Canada?
  8. We down here in the states take a different look at things than you guys. First we don't recruit our police from groups like The Village People and name them "The Mounties". Second, we wouldn't even allow a female Prime Minister to get away with wearing fake eyebrows let alone a (supposedly) male Prime Minister. You guys have all the answers until it comes to your defense, then it's us to the rescue.
  9. Even after all these years that I've been readingyourshit you still amaze me. Here's a new avatar for you: Do I need to explain it?
  10. Yes, they took all of the "W's" off the WH keyboards. The Clintons may also have taken WH china in addition to the silverware.
  11. I can imagine what kind of a note Obama left Trump: "Dear Donald: "After 8 years of residing in the White House I regret not having done one damn thing to make this country better. Rest assured that I'm going to do my best to make you feel the same way. If you haven't noticed, I have been directing the power of the federal government and its many bureaucrats to harass and fabricate stories that will make your presidency miserable. It'll take a big man to overcome all of the plans I have for you. Just be thankful that I didn't steal the White House silverware like the Clintons did." Sincerely, Barack
  12. No, it didn't go over my head but who am I to argue with someone as experienced as you, seeing all of those shadows?
  13. Just saw a snippet from Biden. He asked what country he was in and immediately said that he knew what country he was in. He shouldn't have had to qualify that. Laughed my ass off.
  14. The problem is that unpostmarked ballots seem to be found in spades after the election day. For some strange reason they overwhelmingly have been "cast" for Democrats. Think of the miraculous comeback victory for Al Franken, the Sinema victory in AZ and all of the converting of red congressional districts in CA to blue.
  15. You are about as dumb as it gets. The victim was told by the police to "get down". Was he down, complying with the police when he was kicked or was he standing upright? While it may have appeared distasteful, it's certainly not as you described. In other words, you have lied here again. How can you say things that are the exact opposite of the video you posted? Do Canadians not speak or understand English anymore?
  16. https://thepoliticalinsider.com/pa-supreme-court-rules-mail-in-ballots-may-be-counted-three-days-after-election/ https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/09/18/michigan-judge-extends-deadline-two-weeks-mail-in-ballots-postmarked-november-2/ https://dailycaller.com/2020/09/22/wisconsin-absentee-ballot-deadline-extended/
  17. BREAKING NEWS: Republicans want to purge dead people from voting rolls. Democrats wail, moan and cry over the loss of their most dependable constituency.
  18. Why do you think Obama appointed liberal judges are ruling against state laws regarding the time limits for accepting absentee/mail in ballots? In some cases they don't even need to be postmarked.
  19. This is the pertinent question: If the Left obtains enough electoral votes by fraud in order to win the election, should the election results stand?
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