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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. I'm thinking that law licenses are issued by the separate states and Congress has no technical control over them. With that said, I think Congress made a deal with Clinton that he would voluntarily give up his Arkansas license.
  2. For China, this was the perfect storm. The right guy in the right place at the right time.
  3. Hillary has the rights to the "Final Solution". Haven't you read between the lines in her latest book "I'll Win The Second Time Too"?
  4. And believes in castration and genital mutilation for anyone crossing her.
  5. I'm sure they have enough votes in the Judicial Committee to send it to the full House. I'm also guessing that the committee members are catching a bunch of flack from those House members that don't want to go on record. They're caught between a rock and a hard place. Piss off the constituents or piss off Nancy Pelosi. In other words get voted out of office or get a choice sub committee assignment overseeing the cabbage industry.
  6. The idiocy on the left knows no bounds. Look at the chairpersons of the House committees and tell me they are in the least bit serious. It's like the Three Stooges and their cousins. Does the House actually have the authority to disbar anyone? Serious question.
  7. While I agree with the gist of this I don't agree with the viable third party need. Three relatively strong parties gives us the same situation as a parliamentary government, sometimes spelled as "gridlock". We need to have winners and losers, not people who are somewhat committed to their causes and willing to negotiate their standards away.
  8. Glad to see you posting more and I appreciate your efforts to bring common sense here. Ah, if it wasn't for semantics we'd have to get rid of 3/4 of the lawyers. Can we ban all lawyers under 40 and over 50?
  9. Anarchy is the answer, eh? I wonder if climate change is so devastatingly eminent then why is she worried about future generations? Greta is a 16 year old girl but in the same breath not a 16 year old girl. She's the face of a movement and based on her actual individual importance, hurting her feelings pales in comparison to making world wide changes based on her feelings. While Trump's tweet didn't disparage the girl it did make fun of the movement. Not a big ***** deal.
  10. Trump was not the worst candidate in our history. While he might have been the scariest candidate, he was a superb campaigner. He brought immense energy and enthusiasm to huge crowds that waited for hours in line to be included in his rallies. His policies resonated with the public and his brashness, while giving people trepidation also gave them hope. What tipped the scale was the opportunity for the next president to chose Supreme Court justices. Over the last decade or so our country has been dragged into areas that the majority didn't want to go. Same sex bathrooms, transgenders in the military, Occupy Wall Street and turning a blind eye to illegal aliens are just a few of the things that deeply bothered the majority of the voters. Trump was smart and put out a list of potential Supreme Court nominees. He made promises that people hoped were true. He was transparent while Hillary embodied a special kind of transparency. The public could see right through her and didn't like her based on the last 30 years of her sleaziness. I think what tipped the scales was that while Trump was working extremely hard on winning the presidency, holding multiple rallies per day, she went through the motions and appeared that she believed she was entitled to the presidency.
  11. I heard that Hillary is thinking of running for POTUS again so that she can beat Trump a second time.
  12. Horseshit. It's funny how anyone who disagrees with you gets labeled a "partisan".
  13. Dream all you want, just keep in mind that this guy took 2nd place in the dems primary for governor recently:
  14. Jerry The Hutt to the prisoner: We'll let you submit your DNA after we execute you. She needs more practice.
  15. Think about this for a minute: Only two tenths of a percent of FISA applications are rejected (that's 2 out of every 1000). The original warrant request was turned down. The FBI had to include a made up dossier that they knew was false in order to get the FISA Court order for a warrant. This is seriousshit.
  16. Oh, the irony that we're dealing with. The executive branch has been gaining more power over the last few decades and the legislative branch hasn't put up much of a fight over it. Trump comes along and wants to adhere to the constitution (ie. codify DACA into law) by telling Congress to do their job and they claim he is abusing his power and obstructing Congress on matters that are made up. The eight years of Obama were chock full of pushing Executive Orders, making up mountains of regulations and naming Czars to lead agencies so that they didn't need to pass muster in the Senate.
  17. Just to show you how powerful Trump is. He "nerded" a whole country. Be careful, he might make you into a man and you'll have to move out of Mom's basement.
  18. This is my fear, that's why I'm for a more robust defense of our republic. Trying to solve our issues the same way as we always have isn't going to work. The slim chance that we get our republic back is worth knocking some heads and jailing some people. Those communications can be transparent. It's the whispering over cocktails that we need to stop.
  19. While I agree that the law may need to be strengthened but remember the old law was broken by deceitful FBI employees. New laws don't do jackshit if they aren't going to be followed. It's an adherence problem, not a lack of laws.
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