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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Mitch should remove Burr as Chairman. The Intelligence Committee, cloaked in secrecy as it should be allows for way too much Tomfoolery. Look at what nonsense Schiff has been able to get away with in the House.
  2. https://www.foxnews.com/media/pelosi-press-enables-trump-accomplices House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., views the media in a way that will likely make conservatives' heads turn, portraying them in a new interview as "accomplices" of the president. "I do think that he was assisted by the communications industry, not just Hollywood, but the press as well, because all they do is enable him, and that is really a sad thing," she told The Hollywood Reporter in an interview published Wednesday. She added that she calls her friends in the press "accomplices" and seemed to push back on the idea that Trump's words should make news. "I've said to many of my friends in the press, 'You're accomplices, whether you want to be or not,' [and they say,] 'If he's saying it, then it's news.' I don't think it's news, but it monopolizes the airwaves," she said. "So there is a lot of responsibility to go around in terms of the creation of whatever that is in the White House."
  3. Needs more practice. Especially in that pesky area of approved abortions after the 4th trimester. She seems to be torn between "potty trained" and "first steps" as the cut off limit. Needs more prayers.
  4. I checked that out with Snopes and they said that your claim is only "partly true". He won in the sub category of Jockey Shorts but failed miserably with Boxers. No reason why other than "they sounded scary".
  5. BREAKING NEWS: Nancy Pelosi has just announced that negotiations have concluded on her USMCA deal and the final version should be sent to the Senate soon. Nancy, the visionary that she is, has worked hard on bringing this trade deal to fruition and acknowledges the praise for her efforts in advance. MORE BREAKING NEWS: Nancy Pelosi has announced that she's brought China to its knees and Phase1 of the her trade deal with them has been agreed to while she has in turn saved our farmer's bacon. Next on Nancy's agenda is her long term goal of securing our southern border and stopping the drug and human trafficking that is the scourge of our country. In addition Nancy is proud to announce verbal agreement in the House on a new deal regarding pharmaceuticals. When asked for the specifics on the deal Nancy said, "you'll have to pass it to see what's in it" and "if you like your drugs you can keep your drugs". Nancy, while being praised by the adoring media proclaimed that she, "with the help of that NY Senator who is like my gofer, have made a lot of progress in the last 30 years and look forward to the next 30 years". She added, "my prayers have been answered".
  6. Are you a cat? I haven't done an actual count, but it would seem that what with all the little hills you've chosen to die on, you're running out of lives. The world is coming to an end crowd has made a 16 year old girl with Asperger's Syndrome the Golden Child of their movement. She has passionately accepted that role and in so doing publicly denigrated those that don't agree with her position. Greta and her cohorts have no license that allows them a free ride to spout what some people think is a bunch of nonsense. They put the target on their own backs but deserve no criticism because their spokesperson is 16 years old? Trump has disagreed and made fun of the Green New Deal people and their ilk. He disagrees with their movement and sees how it could have a major negative affect on all of our lives. As our leader, Trump has every right to speak out and yet you'd rather deny him that because a 16 year old has joined the end of the world fray? Take your hissy fits elsewhere, PPP is a Hissy Fit Free Zone.
  7. China has been listening in on the left's conversation and knows that their polls have been way off and Trump is going to win in a landslide. If they wait to negotiate they'll be negotiating with a person in a much stronger position. Trump's actions, which are only fair have caused China's economy to plummet. Do they really think they can hold out for 5 more years?
  8. Well, back whenever China had agreed to a comprehensive deal and then backed out after Trump announced that they had basically reached a verbal agreement. Obviously China was concerned about additional tariffs scheduled to take place on 12-15-19. They agreed to Phase 1 of the more comprehensive deal to avoid those tariffs. Trump has played this better than any president in the past 2-3 decades. Trump recognized the opportunity and has found a way to bring China to the negotiating table. I think that's what 63 million people hired him to do. The right man in the right place at the right time.
  9. I understand China had a press conference and they verified what Trump has tweeted.
  10. It's like the continuity of changing the head coach every two years. -)
  11. You've got to hand it to Burger King though. They're really leading the way on Nothing Burgers.
  12. She has become the spokesperson for the Green New Deal people. Trump gently knocked her and the movement. If a person does not have TDS then it's no big deal. Think about it, what does her position matter in comparison to the direction the whole world may take?
  13. He said she "would of" been a better president. Look it up in the "Dictionary For Dummies". Sheesh.
  14. Does this mean that Brennan, Clapper, Comey and gang will get off scott free?
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