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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. You need a better table. Being seated behind the walk-in-cooler cuts down on the sight lines.
  2. We have placed tariffs on many Chinese goods and they have devalued their currency to not make them more expensive to our consumers. That should tell anyone who is in the cat seat. All we have to have is patience.
  3. Honest officer, I just drove that car full of people with face masks and waited for them to do their banking. I was lied to and had no idea that they were doing anything wrong. I didn't realize something was amiss until after the 10 mile car chase. Shame on them for fooling me.
  4. Gotta disagree. Reports are that he is actually very gracious and a pleasure being around during more private meetings. Also, he is one of the few if not the only presidents who has in fact in their past broken ground in reality for any kind of building project. Developers, mayors and (sometimes governors) along with local development people get their pictures taken with a shovel for political reasons. Without putting Trump in some kind of exalted position I liken his approach to management to that of Major Richard Winters, portrayed in Band of Brothers. In the last episode he was interviewed by if I remember right, a general. The subject came around to Winters actually killing the enemy and Winters admitted that from D-Day to the German surrender he had never fired his rifle. The general was incredulous but at the same time very complimentary of Winter's discipline and leadership skills.
  5. Yes, "Trump Takes Food Stamps From Nearly 6 Million People", the NYT's reports.
  6. ****TRUMP!!!! is hardly clever or rare. If a person can't post anything of consequence they should at the very least be funny. That Buffalo Okie is about as funny as The Grapes of Wrath.
  7. The old ode to pretty girls with a nice ass: "Hate to see you go but love to watch you leave."
  8. He can if he dresses up like a puppy. All he has to do is forget the 6" heels, get rid of the dress and wipe off the lipstick and they'll think he's a Sharp Pei.
  9. Yes, the proof will be in the pudding.
  10. Consider that China's economy is closer to a Ponzi scheme than what you might already think. Then take in the fact that other countries are jumping to fill the void that China's producers might not have available down the road. They don't have a lot of options and the best one seems to be making a deal with Trump.
  11. If it's one thing we love and despise here, it's drive-by posters. We despise you because you run away and hide after making what you think is a clever slam but love the fact that you leave.
  12. On top of that he was able to destroy them with his pump.
  13. You discount the economic downturn China has been going through. We win a trade war with them and they know it. It seems like it is more than just a coincidence that this Phase1 got done 2 days before more tariffs were placed on Chinese goods. Remember, they had to devalue their currency a while back so that their goods remained competitive. They needed this deal more than we did.
  14. From above: China has been listening in on the left's conversation and knows that their polls have been way off and Trump is going to win in a landslide. If they wait to negotiate they'll be negotiating with a person in a much stronger position. Trump's actions, which are only fair have caused China's economy to plummet. Do they really think they can hold out for 5 more years?
  15. The latest Apple scam has been calling my cell phone for the last week or so to the tune of 3-4 times a day.
  16. MacDonald's franchisee to his employees: "Great going, you dumb ***** and your new minimum wage have now made it cost effective to replace you with a robot. I can now purchase a fully trained order taker for less than it costs to pay you wages. In addition I don't have to put up with your call offs and stupid mistakes. Thank you."
  17. We are doing that right now. Over the last decade or so we have reduced our own carbon emissions by about 20%. Much of that has been because we have replaced other fuels such as coal with natural gas. Fracking has made it possible. In the meantime proponents of The Green New Deal and such are calling for eliminating fracking, drilling and pipelines. These people are those that fall in line with the Paris Accord. Instead of working towards cleaner alternatives while enjoying the benefits of somewhat cleaner alternatives they want to throw their lot in with those that want to cripple our economy in order to make themselves feel good. We still have to deal with China and India's failures to improve their own country's environmental conditions. Those conditions are spread throughout the world and until someone comes up with cleaner/cheaper energy solutions those countries are unlikely to change. It seems likely that our country is going to have to lead the way, but we can't do that if we simultaneously tie our hands behind our backs by limiting us to stupid Green New Deal parameters. Look to solve problems like we did with the Great Lakes Initiative back in the 70's with our environmental monies and research cleaner energy if we want to have a real impact on our environment.
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