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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Two bad for Tom, he'll just have to tow the line.
  2. It's obvious that you don't understand the process of impeachment and/or our legal process. Your weak schitt is never going to catch HAHA Gator's big lead on the dumbest schitt title here. You will get our pity though.
  3. The most amazing thing is that this pos is not only a member of congress, but a committee chairperson.
  4. A number of years ago I pulled into a campsite at night and parked my motor home only to wake up to the same horn of a train sounding like it was coming straight at us. I don't like that sound.
  5. Do you actually expect him to be able to understand that? Try one grunt for "yes" and two grunts for "no".
  6. 99.97% to be exact. That number would be closer to 100% if not for the Carter Page requests that were originally turned down.
  7. Slaughtered? I like to call it very, very late term mass abortions. They actually won the right to have them.
  8. Gee, I wonder if they can be used as I.D. for purposes of registering to vote?
  9. So, instead of actually responding you post a bunch of gibberish? I should have known that you'd revert to your usual default response.
  10. I'd be curious to find out exactly where and to who those pallets of cash went. Seems like the old regime not only was pretty tight with Iran but remains so. The 1.8 billion in cash pales in comparison to the 150 billion in assets that got released. What really was its purpose?
  11. I forgot momentarily what an ignorant person I directed that question at. Regarding impeachment, what court process is Trump using?
  12. Why did he think he needed a watch cap to hide his man bun? He couldn't have been more effeminate if he wore his "teddy" on the outside.
  13. Deja vue all over again. What's the definition of idiocy again?
  14. I wonder how it would be if we just all worked for a robust economy and let the market determine the minimum wage? Might we get less push for AI than if we try to force what some people feel?
  15. Don't exercise those demons or they'll gain strength. Exorcise them so they go away.
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