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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. I was able to follow that and even forgive her for the analogy but please explain why Rudolph had a red nose?
  2. Sounds like she's exercising the power of the pu........................................purse.
  3. The battering he took throughout the years along with all the head shots caught up to him and he had to settle on becoming a lawyer.
  4. I never thought you were Gary Busey. Gary Busey knows how to spell moron and is a real special kind of prick. You're just a run of the mill kind of prick.
  5. Where was this posted? My advice to him is to do everything he can to avoid a sneeze for two months after surgery.
  6. Well Mr. Empty Chair, why would I call it irony if I didn't already know you had several different aliases? You are so easily led down the path of other's choosing. That collar isn't too tight for you, is it?
  7. Who's that? Is that the Eddie Murphy skit that is posted earlier in this thread?
  8. Although I've seen this before it's always a good reminder to reiterate what a level headed leader we have.
  9. That flows so easily off your tongue. Why didn't you just come right out and suggest a Christmas exchange?
  10. From where I sit it would appear that the advent of fracking has gone a long way towards improving the amount of carbon emissions right here in the USA. While the use of natural gas may not be the ultimate perfect solution to pollution it's certainly a step in the right direction and is a worthy alternative until we find something better.
  11. Whenever government adopts a "one size fits all" approach they ***** it up. Every time. Whether it's simply everyday decisions or attempts to legislate "fairness", they fail to take into account that decisions are best left to the lowest level capable of making those decisions. Your link displays a desire by the state legislator to bring standards down rather than provide an avenue to raise standards.
  12. Settle down and be nice to each other people. The answers are right in front of our faces. What would Greta do?
  13. Not in Hawaii, which is part of Asia, and especially not when he's speaking to corpse men.
  14. It certainly wasn't about actual gain since it gave everything to Iran and didn't make the world safer. Actually the cash and the release of Iran's assets helped them fund terrorism that killed our military personnel and civilians.
  15. Uh, maybe we should ask Bob in Michigan what to stone him with.
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