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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. I've had numerous business dealings with him. The article mentions that Graham was a Ron DiNicola supporter who is a long term democrat, active in Erie area dem politics.
  2. Taking down statues is just part of the Left's insidious attempt to change history, just like they've been doing with the altering of history via new schoolbooks eliminating traditional history and pushing the Left's values.
  3. Maybe you could also explain how Andersonville was worse than Auschwitz.
  4. They'll have to cut down all the shade trees first.
  5. Did they eliminate the "United N e g r o College Fund" or don't they have an issue with dark money?
  6. Link? For his sake I hope he had a better coach than his pitching and bowling coaches.
  7. You're not a very observant person, are you? Plenty of conservative people have disagreed and challenged DR over the last few years. They just haven't been an ass about it like you and a few others here.
  8. I wonder who would win a golf match between Putin and Kim?
  9. True Free Trade is a good thing. When unfair trade is confused with Free Trade the outliers cry and moan about the inequities of Free Trade while they should actually be crying and moaning about unfair trade. Trump has proclaimed that he is for Free Trade with anyone who wants it. If other countries don't want True Free Trade, that's ok by him. He'll give them Fair Trade, with him being the arbitrator.
  10. Trump is being realistic. He is for free trade but realizes we can't be for it and allow other countries to not be for it. So he's come up with a doctrine called "Fair Trade". It's pretty simple, we'll happily do free trade with ya, but if you don't want to do that then we'll do "Fair Trade" instead. In other words we'll slap tariffs on your goods to equal that of the tariffs you impose on us. Tit for tat or quid pro quo.
  11. While I tend to agree with this, Leadership is absolutely paramount in achieving those goals. Trump has certainly led the way on items I agree with. Presidents in the past touted those same items but with lip service only while Trump not only made them his campaign promises but has taken appropriate action to fulfill them.
  12. I took the time to read your link further and am amazed that a girl, about 20 years old would have a grandfather who fought in WW2.
  13. In this wonderful Christmas season I resist telling you why you might be wrong. Verily I say unto you that on Christmas day it is wrong to move the goalposts.
  14. I think his favorite term and sport was killing "Haji". That and demonizing women, mainly because in his opinion they were intellectually inferior to "men".
  15. Let me put it this way: I didn't send a Christmas card to my ex and the "warm & fuzzy stuff here with certain people would be about on par with that. Wishing Merry Christmas to certain people is equivalent to offering them their last meal. JMO.
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