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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. My next campaign slogan will be "Fentanyl in every pot".
  2. Going by history I would venture to say that TH3 is both serious and ***** up. Sort of like a poor man's Tiberius.
  3. No, just another transfer from her big donor Senate election account.
  4. Did you know that he couldn't even play the Banjo? There was someone else playing it for him.
  5. After WW1 Germany was put into a worse position than before the war and they were ripe for a leader like Hitler to rise up. If we had treated them half as good as we had after WW2 there probably wouldn't have been a WW2.
  6. His public persona does not lend itself to the kind of person I'd want have as a friend. No mild mannered person acting presidential would ever be able to do what needs to be done and have the support of so many people as Trumps does. I think he's the right man in the right place at the right time.
  7. I understand completely, Injection and Hillary should never be used in the same sentence. Just goes to show you that one man's dream is another man's cruel and unusual punishment.
  8. Japan and Germany should thank their ***** stars that we treated them as well as we did after WW2. I know in the long run it was in our best interest but they came out of that war much better than some others. At the end of the war they were our vanquished enemies not our allies.
  9. I know, but guys(?) like HAHA Gator aren't allowed to be online on the weekends so he's not here to defend himself from any accusations. You know, accusations like his long-term dream of losing his virginity to Hillary.
  10. I shudder when reading FB, Twitter or other comments from otherwise intelligent people who are so greatly uninformed. It's like they swallowed a hook 3 years ago and have never spit it out.
  11. All you have to do is mention her name and @PastaJoe will come a running. He reacts quicker than the horses react to Frau Blucher.
  12. When I saw him, halfway thru the performance he announced he was taking a break, pulled a chair over on to the center of the stage, sat down and lit up a smoke and drank a beer. It was a fifteen minute break in front of everyone and he didn't say a word.
  13. Saw Carlin in the 70's at a rather small setting (hundreds not thousands) at a state university. Without a doubt, pure genius.
  14. Is this what your ancestors looked like in the "old country"? Don Waponis:
  15. Hate to inform you but that's not like an isolated desire here. Seriously, JA is the kind of poster I'd compare with Baskin. Claims one thing but always slants things the other way. We all know that "The Dude" was roundly panned here for his beliefs. The one belief most reprehensible though was his desire to return to any theater where he could shoot Haji. I can't remember one poster here who sided with him on anything, but JA thinks there were only a few who found him disgusting. JA's way of framing things.
  16. Horseshit! Any thinking person would know that Guam tipping over coupled with adding an extra 7 states to the USA is what has caused the warming. Research has indicated that we might be able to change our misfortune by following the lead of the Waponis. Additional research indicated that these phenomenon occurred on some guy named Obama's watch. We need to ask "what would the Waponis do"?
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