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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. It's hard enough for a team to defend against one talented TE let alone 2 talented TE's. Think of NE with Gronkowski & Hernandez. The problem is the really good TE's seem to have the size of a linebacker but the speed of a safety. They can beat most linebackers with speed and DB's with size. There are more talented TE's in the NFL than people to cover both their speed and size. If I was stocking a team I'd make sure to have multiple talented TE's, even at the expense of lesser talent elsewhere.
  2. All of the brilliant minds here at PPP and nobody has noticed that Buffalo_Gal seems to have it in for Italians? With her special talents and the fact that we haven't seen Father Guido Sarducci for quite some time, it got me to thinking that maybe she had a prior life in Salem and had a bone to pick with people of the cloth. HAVE YOU SEEN THIS MAN?
  3. From your link: 31. Just your best guess. When all the votes are counted for president this November, who do you think is most likely to be elected president – {ROTATE} Joe Biden or Donald Trump? (N=500) n % Joe Biden-------------------------------------------------- 198 39.60 Donald Trump -------------------------------------------- 227 45.40 Undecided---------------------------------------------------70 14.00 Refused--------------------------------------------------------5 1.00 You pick Minnesota, a state that hasn't gone for a republican for president in many decades. Does it not concern you that the numbers in this poll give Biden a substantial lead but the people who believe Trump will beat Biden lead by 6%? Also, when the polls call states like Ohio and Texas "purple" it makes me wonder if there's any sense of reality amongst the poll takers or if they are just trying to manipulate voter sentiment. -)
  4. I believe it was from a guy in the apartment directly above Breonna Taylor's.
  5. The federal government has the ability to crush a person. Flynn was being bankrupted and his son threatened with prosecution all due to false prosecution of the General by the feds. We all know and can easily say that he should have plead not guilty to the nonsense charges. Easy for us to say. Not so easy for the person being charged.
  6. Look at all the fake blackfaces that they were wearing. They didn't fool anyone. I especially like the tender way those loving Antifa members embrace the heads of little old ladies with their fists.
  7. I wish more people would do that. They come down here bereft of any knowledge whatsoever and try to argue points that were debunked years ago. Not only does it get tiring but it leads to ridicule and then hard feelings. You weren't around but we used to have a poster here (he now has a different name and a different schtick) who took trolling to a new level. It was actually hilarious to see him suck people in with outlandish comments. If they would have only lurked for a while they wouldn't have swallowed the hook.
  8. Ah, but Losman to Lee Evans was a thing of true beauty.
  9. What has recently become revelations to you have been a topic of discussion here for years. The recent release of information is no surprise to many of us because we were led up to it over time. Kudos to our very own DR who started out in many of our minds as a nutty conspiracy theorist 3-4 years ago and steadfastly won many of us over and led to even more people digging into the allegations.
  10. I wonder how the conversations that John Kerry (when he was out of office) had with the Iranians would be viewed by the Left here in comparison to Mike Flynn's conversation with the Russian Ambassador?
  11. The move from paper bags to plastic sorta coincides with the forests not being thinned and the dead fall staying in place. I wonder if any environmentalists question this and have regrets that their actions decades ago have caused immense harm to the environment?
  12. From social media: Literally every conversation I've had with a Trump hater about the upcoming election: Hater: I can't wait to get Donald Trump out of office. Me: Why? Hater: Why?!?! Don't tell me you don't think he colluded with Russia! Me: According to Robert Mueller's exhaustive, multi-million dollar investigation, there was no evidence of that. But there was evidence that the Obama administration spied on him and his campaign using the FBI. Hater: Well, he said he'd repeal and replace Obamacare. What happened to that? Me: Well, he removed the tax penalty which removes the mandate. Congress now just has to move with it's replacement. He can't do it by Executive Order. You do know Obama had very little to do with the writing of the ACA, right? Hater: Well, he said he'd build a wall and Mexico was gonna pay for it. Haha. What happened to that? Me: They've built over 260 miles of new wall so far and he's renegotiated NAFTA costing Mexico billions of dollars that were given to them by Bill Clinton through the returning of jobs in America. Hater: Well, that's not them paying for it! Me: BILLIONS. Did you think he literally meant Mexico was gonna write a check with "Wall" in the memo? Hater: Well, he's buddy buddy with Putin and Kim Jung Un. Me: Getting along with your adversaries is not a bad thing. Or would you prefer he antagonize them? BTW, when was the last "test missile" North Korea sent Japan's way? Hater: Well, he doesn't like the military! He called the dead soldiers "losers!" Me: You're referring to a report made from "anonymous sources" when over nine people who were with the President that have gone on record saying that it wasn't true? That doesn't send up any red flags for you? He's brought our Vets home and taken great strides, and put a lot of money into fixing the VA, ask any veteran you know. Funny way to treat people you think are "losers," don't you think? Hater: Well, he got impeached for God's sake! Me: Yes, impeached by a partisan House and subsequently acquitted as there was no evidence that the President did anything wrong (no quid pro quo) in his communication with the President of Ukraine. BTW, you know Joe Biden actually admitted on national television to doing that exact thing while he was in office as VP though, right? Hater: Well he handled COVID horribly! Me: What would've you done differently? Hater: He didn't close the borders in time! Me: He announce travel restrictions on 1/31 and was called xenophobic for doing so, all the while Nancy Pelosi and Bill Deblasio were walking in Chinatown telling everyone to come on down, the water is fine. Hater: Well, he refused to wear a mask. Me: Here's a picture of him wearing a mask. Hater: Well, that was too far after! Me: After what? He had two of his experts on national TV every day giving updates and telling everyone to wear a mask? Hater: Well, he said everything will be fine and this will end! Me: Did you want him to run around screaming that the sky was falling? Hater: Well, listen to the way he talks! He's nasty! He's not how I want my President to sound. Me: Ahhh. NOW we're getting somewhere. You don't like his personality. And everything you've mentioned up until now is because you don't like his personality. So for you it seems personal and not about the job he's done. So listen, if you want a President who will tell you whatever you want to hear, flip- flopping on every issue, not getting anything done his entire time while in office, but who sounds like a nice guy (even though he seems seriously impaired), then Joe Biden is definitely your man. And I would add the recent reports coming out on Biden’s son Hunter and all the billions paid to the Biden family from China, Russia and even connections to prostitution and human trafficking criminal activities, all during the Obama administration.. definitely conflict of interest with someone as VP and president of the US.. of course media not sharing all this yet Talk about corruption.. leaves the US vulnerable for blackmailing from these countries..
  13. Yes, the NYC real estate market is pretty closed. Buffalo's market is such that commercial brokers are at odds with each other and routinely disparage anyone from another brokerage. My theory is that there are a lot of "open listings" in which no one broker has an exclusive agreement to represent the seller. Done properly, it takes a fair amount of money and effort to properly market a property. Open listings discourage any one broker from doing much other than plopping their sign on the property. The seller thinks that they have half a dozen brokers working to sell their property while in reality they have no one. I've worked with brokers in numerous states and usually they're pretty pleasant to work with, Buffalo not so much.
  14. I don't know where you are coming up with this raiding the wrong home narrative but which do you prefer, man bun or ponytail?
  15. This I can agree with. I happened to see Breonna Taylor's lawyer speaking this morning. What a tool. He not only brought up George Floyd and Michael Brown but threw Trayvon Martin into the same conversation as Taylor. He then started chants.
  16. The issue has nothing to do with Trump, but you had to bring him into it. What are you trying to do, hijack your own thread? I brought up Joe Biden to refute your stupid inclusion of Trump into a local policing issue.
  17. 3rd Chair, not able to actually address the issue but able to put on full display the reasons that he has never been more than an errand boy for his bosses.
  18. Our president is out of touch on issues like this one? You are as disingenuous as it gets. It was ***** Joe Biden who pushed the crime bill that made drugs arrests more punishable, practically on the issue of race.
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