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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Really, comparing IQ's to Joe Biden is not what a truly smart person would do.
  2. I predict that suicides will increase dramatically in Northern Ireland in 2020.
  3. http://www.gopusa.com/biden-vows-to-appoint-sc-justices-who-believe-constitution-is-a-living-document-half-must-be-women/ Joseph R. Biden says he won’t be “satisfied” until half of the U.S. Supreme Court is filled with women who hold a “living document” view of the Constitution. The former vice president told Democrats on the campaign trail that “academia” agrees with him: Supreme Court justices Elena Kagan and Ruth Bader Ginsburg have a philosophically correct view of the high court. “I for 22 years, I think it was, taught constitutional laws, the separation of powers. What I presided over as the chairman of the Judiciary Committee — they tell me more Supreme Court nomination judges than anybody in history just because I’ve been around so long. The people that I would appoint to the Court, are people who have a view of the Constitution as a living document, not as a state document,” he said Dec. 28 while speaking in Washington, Iowa. “I argued and continued to argue, and the bulk of academia agrees with this now, is that if in fact there is a right to privacy in the Constitution — it’s not mentioned, it’s the Ninth Amendment, there are a number of rights in the Constitution — it’s also there are a number of other rights that exist that relate to how you view whether or not all the amendments taken together in the the constitutional body actually protects people in their privacy. And so they’re the kind of judge — I would look to judges, potential nominees, they would have to acknowledge the fact that there are unenumerated rights that are nonetheless constitutional rights; they’re not mentioned by name in the Constitution.” The Democratic frontrunner then cited Justices Kagan and Ginsburg as blueprints for a proper Supreme Court justice. “And, by the way, I’ve said years ago that I’ll be satisfied when at least half the court represents the country and are women,” he added during a visit to Washington High School. Joe Biden speaks in Washington, Iowa: “The people that I would appoint to the Court, are people who have a view of the Constitution as a living document.” pic.twitter.com/DazbAQiIzS — The Hill (@thehill) December 31, 2019
  4. He tried to have a day of reflection but even he couldn't stare at himself in the mirror that long.
  5. Ah, you've located all the vacuums in order to try to attempt to prove a point. Name one long-term successful communist country.
  6. It's certainly a sticky situation and ripe for gooey and/or gummy solutions.
  7. "You people" ought to know that he's been pretty much out of sight for the last two months. If he's out of sight those loud suits might just as well be whispering.
  8. "Big ED" is an oxymoron and not a subject men like to talk about.
  9. Just because liberals think that their policies are good for the country does not put them on a equal plain with conservative thought. The proof is in the pudding and over long periods of time liberalism (ie. socialism and communism) have always failed while conservative democratic societies have been the only societies that have succeeded. Compare California and their over regulated and over taxed mess with Texas or Florida, states with less taxes and even less unnecessary regulations. Trump is seeing the rewards of his policies, not Obama's weakest recovery from a recession in history. Obama's policies were right out of the Politburo and designed to have the government control the economy. A pretty good example of free market vs. government controlled economy is the recent push for a $15 minimum wage. When forced upon businesses several years ago people lost their jobs, but Trumps economy has been so good that businesses are in competition with each other and are raising wages in order to obtain workers. There will always be a little ebb and flow in the economy and recessions will happen even in free markets. There are things that are out of the market's control. The answer isn't to switch from a market economy to a government controlled economy but to let the market work itself out. I noticed that too but thought he must have been referring to Obama's recession busting bake sales.
  10. I'll never get over the utter failure of our leadership and troops for not ending the WW2 war in Europe by Christmas of '44. What a wasted endeavor!
  11. Rush Limbaugh said in regards to Obama's statement that he "wanted to fundamentally change America" that he hoped Obama fails. Obama's goals were to turn us into a socialistic state and Limbaugh had every right to object to that. Stating simply that Rush wanted Obama to fail is not only disingenuous but flat out twisting his words. "These people were probably fine economically" before the economy improved? I see, the dramatic reduction in unemployment and the subsequent rise in wages are no big deal, eh? Why don't you just come right out and say: "let them eat cake"?
  12. Elizabeth Warren has been courting all the large corporations to explore opening large operations in any liberal state, not to get them to move there but to allow the state's savings on grants to finance her free stuff.
  13. I would suggest that you ask Koko if you want a real answer. If 3rd Chair or Empty Chair responds you would do well to ignore them. Just watch out for Koko moving the decimal point on his hour log.
  14. Petey declared the right of Prima Noctum but there was a good deal of confusion regarding which one was the bride.
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