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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. We just helped him to "not go gentle into that good night".
  2. It was 1979 when Iran invaded U.S. territory. Sherpa was right.
  3. It wasn't a Ford Falcon, it was a 1964 Cadillac Fleetwood and they smoked Tareytons, not Lucky Strikes. Get it right!
  4. This is the state that lets its irrigation water flow into the ocean because delta smelt are more important than human food. It won't trim branches away from electrical lines because their "environmentalists" don't like it. It leaves deadfall in the forests to fuel the next wildfire. While it spends billions upon billions to build a train from nowhere to nowhere it lets the homeless who live on sidewalks terrorize the population and spread deadly diseases. This is the state that supposedly leads our nation. God help us.
  5. In light of the Benghazi fiasco I wonder who she thinks she's fooling?
  6. Silly boy, Obama was just made Mullah-in-Chief of Iran. What would you expect?
  7. Didn't you tap your foot for him?
  8. The whole thing was stupid. I only opened because of Kat Timpf.
  9. Kat Timpf article: https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/12/most-absurd-politically-correct-moments-last-decade/ 3. A professor was accused of sexual harassment for saying that effort is 10 percent of the grade. A Brooklyn College of City University of New York professor says he was forced to change his syllabus after he was accused of “sexual harrassment” for stating that effort was 10 percent of the grade. 4. A campus survey included a trigger warning to caution college students that it may contain “anatomical names of body parts.” The survey was distributed at several major universities — because, apparently, college students just might not be able to handle the kinds of words that most kids hear in their middle-school biology classes. 5. University researchers demanded that we accept people who “identify as real vampires.” Apparently, it’s the least we can do to prevent anti-vampire discrimination. 6. A Seattle-area councilman was concerned about the city hosing poop off of its sidewalks because he thought that it might seem too racially insensitive. The area in question reportedly stank like “urine and excrement” — but one councilman was worried that hosing it down could be a microaggression.
  10. How appropriate, Trump dines on Iraqi Road while terrorist leader turned to custard. More Iraqi Road 36 replies37 retweets711 likes Reply 36 Retweet 37 Like 711 1 more reply
  11. Ilhan Omar, U.S. Congresswomen from Minnesota and secret Foreign Minister of Qatar once again turns her back on Americans.
  12. I heard a little bit ago that Joe Biden was against killing Soleimani. Since Biden has never, ever been correct when it comes to foreign policy I feel pretty good about blowing him up.
  13. Irish is not what he calls it. He calls it "Frank". Like a wiener. He relishes the idea of it going into a bun.
  14. Didn't I see you on stage with Clint Eastwood back in 2012?
  15. It's the ***** PROCESS not PRACTICE, you morons.
  16. What, were you just born yesterday? There's nothing about Tiberius and "proper order" that is compatible.
  17. Went over both your heads. While Tom has no excuse I can excuse you since you are Canadian.
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