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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Because you claimed it, you idiot. Your words from above: "Trump came in are started "Maximum Pressure" on them and we have gone from there. The international community was all in on the inspections and stated Iran was in compliance. No reason to doubt that. Now they are building a bomb. That is the reality. A cynical person would assume that this is all part of Trump's reelection campaign. It's been building since day one."
  2. Everyone that was here back at that time knows that you laughed out loud at the deaths of Americans during the Benghazi killings. You've been getting criticized for it for 7+ years and now think you can just laugh that off too? How does it feel to be named Least Patriotic American every year since then?
  3. If Iran's intention was to not build a bomb then why are they building it now?
  4. Laugh all you want but the rest of us here feel sad about this.
  5. So did I. Still doesn't excuse Y'all from backing up his contention.
  6. I'd sue the abortion doctor who took part of his brain but kept him alive.
  7. It's your responsibility to back up your words here, not mine.
  8. Although it would appear that the claim may be false the fact that Snopes claims so does not give me any confidence that it is so.
  9. Do you not think that all of the multitudes of media speculation and downright lies by the Left has not given other countries, especially those whose political process is quite different than ours, an impression that Trump is weak domestically? Basically all of the media puts a negative slant on everything Trump does and makes it appear as if all one has to do is to outlast Trump for the next year. Trump was elected President based in a large part on his policies. The media and Left are trying to sabotage the implementation of those policies because they are good for our country and will strengthen the Right's grip on political power. Are the people on the Left even a little bit patriotic anymore or are they only interested in their own political power?
  10. Well, if that's the case we were just anticipating your position by getting rid of Soleimani for you.
  11. I posted this in another thread in response to a post about Joe Biden's answer to a question about plastic bags. My response belongs here. Absolutely ban plastic bags under a certain millage. Go back to paper bags and give a boost to the logging industry. Clear cut strips of land for help in forest fire protection and selectively cut or "thin out" remaining forests. This is a much more environmentally friendly approach than the last environmentally friendly approach by short seeing, so called environmentalists who promoted the use of plastic bags to reduce logging. Trees are a renewable resource and we should treat them as such while simultaneously improving our environment and reducing the amount and extent of forest fires. Sometimes the solutions to problems are just plain common sense and pretty simple. Quote Edit Options
  12. Absolutely ban plastic bags under a certain millage. Go back to paper bags and give a boost to the logging industry. Clear cut strips of land for help in forest fire protection and selectively cut or "thin out" remaining forests. This is a much more environmentally friendly approach than the last environmentally friendly approach by short seeing, so called environmentalists who promoted the use of plastic bags to reduce logging. Trees are a renewable resource and we should treat them as such while simultaneously improving our environment and reducing the amount and extent of forest fires. Sometimes the solutions to problems are just plain common sense and pretty simple.
  13. From your link: Obama got his deal with Iran (ensuring they wouldn’t develop a nuke until enough time had passed that he wouldn’t get the blame when they did), a deal that included the lifting of sanctions against Soleimani personally, making his life infinitely better while he continued to mastermind the murder of more Americans and innocent people in the region. It was a deal with the devil for a foreign policy legacy and to shore up his shortcomings in the area and a failed stint as Secretary of State for his chosen successor. It was purely and nakedly political, and the people fretting now were cheering then. The death of Soleimani is a victory for the world, and Donald Trump did it. All Barack Obama did was give Iran enough cash to fund their terror chief’s actions. Donald Trump put him out of business. All the pearl-clutching over the idea that this could lead to war with Iran is ridiculous. Leftists like to pretend Iran is a serious military power, but outside their weak neighbors, they are not. In 1990, and again in 2003, we were inundated with stories of how strong the Iraqi military was; how both impending fights were going too long and protracted, and could go either way. We rolled over them, both times. Politicians lost the aftermath, but the fighting was a decisive victory. That Iraqi military, particularly the 1990 version, had fought the Iranian military to a draw for nearly a decade. Being the strongest military in the region means little against the strongest military in the history of the planet. We should be weary of pushing regime change in Iran for the simple reason that the politicians here would screw it up the way they always have, but have no doubt that our military could wipe the sand with the Iranian military, if they had to. Iran knows this. Recommended
  14. It's taken me awhile but I've got Joe Biden figured out. He's not interested in becoming President or shaping "the narrative", campaigning is just the perfect outlet for his fetishes. His "touchy, feely" campaign approach has nothing to do with his politics but everything to do with snorting baby shampoo.
  15. Yes, but when it comes right down to it, it's about the Iranian chicks. right?
  16. Phew. I'm glad I went back and read that again.
  17. Now might just be the time to let Iran know that if they as much as fart our way they'll lose their navy and all oil production facilities as a starting point. Oh, but first all of their air defenses. We need to remind them that we're standing pat with our royal flush and no matter how many cards they draw, we win. Biggly.
  18. They are only appalled if the other side does it. Obama did it righteously though, hundreds or possibly thousands of times.
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