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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Didn't Nancy Pelosi send them blankets to make up for them not receiving a bump in minimum wage?
  2. It would appear that your "Greenies" have about as much sense as our California "environmentalists". Starving a fire of its fuel is a basic way of preventing its spread. Dry conditions and high winds are a prescription for wildfires and not doing as much as possible to reduce fuel for those wildfires is severe negligence. Please keep us updated on the tragedy you guys are experiencing and above all be safe. BTW, does anyone doubt that it will be proven that a few, some or all of your arsonists will have ulterior motives such as trying to blame climate change for the very fires they started?
  3. You finally think you received your get out of jail card when the pms stops but then find out that the probation years aren't any better.
  4. He's referring to Mike Pence claiming that Salami arranged transportation for ten or twelve 9-11 hijackers to get from Lebanon to Afghanistan.
  5. No, but it enjoyed the "suppositories" Tiberius gave him.
  6. This is what I told him up thread: If you want to call it that. My guess would be some disease like syphilis but I don't think it's contagious between species. He responded that he used penicillin to cure himself.
  7. There was no solution in place, only empty promises. We had gained nothing that we wanted to keep. New sanctions on Iran are the only hope to get them to give up terrorism and gaining nuclear weapons.
  8. Now that's fighting fire with fire. Turn the hose on me!
  9. "There are none so blind than those who refuse to see". They've been seeking out nuclear weapons for decades and have gone to great lengths to hide it. They saw a weakness with Obama as president and exploited it.
  10. The former agreement was useless. Trump wants a new one that will actually prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. In addition, Trump wants to stop Iran from fomenting terrorism around the world. How could anyone not agree with those goals?
  11. I never had the need to know but regardless, it did kill Capone after rendering him into a Tiberius state. Now, why didn't you address your changing opinions regarding Iran and the "bomb"?
  12. If you want to call it that. My guess would be some disease like syphilis but I don't think it's contagious between species. BTW, you claimed Iran has the "bomb" and then a few minutes later asked me how I know Iran had the "bomb". Was that because: You forgot what you said? Intentionally lied? Know intrinsically that whatever you say can't be trusted?
  13. Maybe so, but I wanted to fit the word "fodder" in there. Been waiting for some time to use it.
  14. Just goes to show that Iran's terrorist activities will cost them dearly and close to home.
  15. Iran has been fomenting terrorist acts for decades. They got sanctions for doing so. They didn't like the sanctions and believed that by doing certain acts like sending their proxies to kill Americans and shoot down drones would make Trump crumble like Obama would. Trump just showed them that ain't happening.
  16. He's high on the list for assignment to the Cannon Fodder Brigade.
  17. Well, it won't be to troops on the ground. Our issues with Iran don't come from any desire to conquer them but a desire to get them to change their ways.
  18. The hiring of Major Garrett & Catherine Herridge might indicate that they are attempting to become more balanced.
  19. Who will they surrender to, aircraft? Drones? Missiles?
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