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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Supposedly no Americans have been killed in the missile attacks. I guess some were intercepted and some landed in the desert. Maybe one hit near or on its target.
  2. OK, I'll play your dumb game. Maybe the justification came from Military Intelligence. You know, the guys that initially broke open the malfeasance of the true Deep State.
  3. It has to start somewhere. Trump had no obligation to inform Congress prior to the killing but he has an obligation to inform Congressional leaders afterward. He is doing that tomorrow. The problem is, for good reasons he can't allow his people to go into any real details with the public. The meeting tomorrow is supposed to be classified but Adam Schiff, as usual will leak out a version that fits his agenda.
  4. What, now your doing it for a living, solicitor?
  5. Out of curiosity what current potential opponent would you vote for over Trump? I'm looking for someone that would keep the economy going strong, finishing up trade deals that most likely will extend beyond 2020, continue our improved border security while simultaneously working on the issues of the day. Who is out there who could be trusted to continue his agenda?
  6. Somehow through all his bungling he's presiding over an economy that is great, vastly improving border security, improved trade deals and significant prison reform. Just to name a few.
  7. Even that whole bouquet of straws doesn't show how much he sucks.
  8. It's almost as if people think of Trump as this guy: Regardless, he's succeeding, eh?
  9. No one asked you to defend John Kerry. John Kerry's name was brought up as an example of the headwinds Trump has faced in leading this country. You had basically stated that Trump was facing a mutiny because of his poor leadership. I was pointing out that the media and dems were looking to upend Trump before he was even inaugurated. That has nothing to do with any Trump lack of leadership but everything to do with the bias and partisanship of the dems.
  10. HAHA Gator thinks that our Constitutional Rights can be taken away from us by a simple vote in a state legislature. What if they decided to take away our voting rights or separation of church and state?
  11. Seriously? The attack came from within our own country yes, but in this political climate that has been increasingly getting worse, is that his fault? What say you about the treasonous acts of a John Kerry who is conspiring with Iran to upend our policies? Is that due to Trump's lack of leadership? Before Trump was even inaugurated the dems and media were calling for his impeachment. They have fought him with lies and fabrications for over 3 years. They just don't want to be led in the direction Trump and the majority of the American people want.
  12. So, dogs are allowed in Congressional offices? Who does the dog walking or is she just trying to make Nancy feel at home?
  13. It would appear to me that Trump has shown much patience but once he decides to react to a provocation doesn't ppussy foot around. I think 300 Russians would agree.
  14. At least the dairy farmers know that one only pulls on the teets of a cow. The Harvard grads prefer the bull's teet.
  15. Oh c'mon man, he was in Paris looking for his missing medals.
  16. Once again, people fed by the media and the disloyal opposition take Trump's words as gospel but fail to take his actions as the most important thingy. Who knows what Trump was trying to convey to Iran when he mentioned sites important to Iran's culture. Maybe he was just saying that we know what you have hidden in those places and if you continue to ***** with us we're going to ***** with you so bad that your new way of transportation will be donkeys and your elite will be traveling in your new limos disguised as camels. Rubble will be the new construction material. Trump wasn't raised by the diplomatic corp but in the NYC real estate environment where Russian Roulette and Five Finger Filet were merely precursors of negotiating a deal. He can out trash talk an entire NBA team. So people, relax and be thankful that our inartful President may be embarrassing, but he knows how to get the job done.
  17. It's obvious that you prefer a woman getting beaten to death in a long drawn out ordeal than a quick, merciful death by gunshot. Is that so you have more time for laughter?
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