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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. I doubt Pelosi could live down her brother Foster's influence on her:
  2. Difference is that Iran has been separated from its proxies and is now being held responsible for not only the proxies but their own actions.
  3. I understand that Pierre was not her favorite bush pilot.
  4. Why are you reporting something in this thread that was posted an hour earlier by Alf?
  5. Well, good old Margaret certainly made it observable.
  6. Uh, I was referring to the cheap French Canadian habit of tipping so little that it's done in coins rather than paper money.
  7. In reality I think that the Greatest Generation had that moniker placed upon them by circumstances. We were attacked in WW2 much like we were attacked on 9/11. There was a great outcry and surge of patriotism in both of those instances. In WW2 about 60% of the servicemen were drafted and 40% were volunteers. It's a misnomer though in that starting in 1942 volunteers between the ages of 18 and 37 were prohibited. To get into the service one had to be drafted. Supposedly this was done to limit recruits and the subsequent training to an amount that could be handled efficiently. From my personal observation there seemed to be a great deal of patriotism and many people volunteering for service after 9/11. It would appear to me that the fact that we were attacked in dastardly ways brought out the mantle of heroism and the subsequent praise for the Greatest generation and the people that volunteered to fight in Afghanistan and Iraq.
  8. The amount of hair is usually passed on through the mother's side and we all know Justin's mother had a carpet worthy of a Musk Oxen's coat.
  9. Oh, quit complaining. If you're not happy with your tips move down here where the people actually use paper money to tip with.
  10. Withdrawal from Iraq is a smokescreen and this is just a way for the Iraqi PM to placate those in government who have been bought and paid for by Iran. I predict we will negotiate with Iraq until Iran's bank account is in the red and they have no more money to pay for people to support them.
  11. Didja ever think that beard may be glued on too?
  12. Mitch McConnell, with a new found purpose and tons of energy has almost single handedly restructured the federal judiciary. Seems like with every bump we get a half dozen more conservative judges. Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi, with slurred words is struggling mightily to stumble her way over to the Senate to deliver a loser, so called articles of impeachment forced upon her by the foreign minister of Qatar and a bartender from Brooklyn. Good times.
  13. Facts were posted 17 hours ago by SydneyBillsFan. You and Kemp are ***** idiots for trying to twist this, especially in such an inept way. Go back to the kiddie table.
  14. Sen. Feinstein has recanted her comments — criticizing Pelosi for holding impeachment articles — in epic fashion:“I don’t know what happened there," she told me. "I did not mean to say that.” HAHA
  15. Yes, global warming caused by the forest/bush fires that are fueled by the existence of deadfall which is there because of the faux environmentalists who are the real perpetrators of climate change. Since we only have about 11 years left, we must take drastic action to reduce global warming. I suggest we rid ourselves of the real culprits, faux environmentalists. Sure, push that through good old St. Augustine grass.
  16. Sounds more like he likes lost causes. Seriously though, everyone deserves a defense, even if it's only 3rd Chair or Empty Chair.
  17. I wonder how much of the electricity to charge the batteries on the lawnmowers etc. is generated by coal plants?
  18. He continued: “Instead of using his statement today to lay out a coherent strategy on Iran, Donald Trump used it to mislead the country on the Obama-Biden record. He’s been President for three years. It’s time he stops blaming President Obama for his failures.” Does that mean that you idiots aren't going to claim that Trump's successes are the work of Obama?
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