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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. That video sparked riots all over North America.
  2. C'mon, he was just promoting the Edelman Hood Ornament:
  3. I don't know about you but I'm having a real difficult time taking a leak with that Tampon stuck up there. Periods are a B word.
  4. Actually I gave one away to a congressman named Vicente Gonzales, Democrat from TX about an hour ago. He said that it was not a bad thing to kill Salami but Trump doesn't know what he is doing with his lack of diplomacy with Iran, as if force isn't one way of convincing people to come around to your way of thinking.
  5. Here's to the ones that we gotCheers to the wish you were here, but you're not'Cause the drinks bring back all the memoriesOf everything we've been throughToast to the ones here todayToast to the ones that we lost on the way'Cause the drinks bring back all the memoriesAnd the memories bring back, memories bring back you
  6. Is it too much to hope that the squad et al appears all in orange instead of white this year?
  7. Joe Biden has never once been correct when it comes to foreign policy. Not once in 40 years. Many people believe this to be true including Obama's former Secretary of Defense. Are we so foolish as to think that just due to the law of averages he might get something right if he were President? Yes, our odds would be no better if we made a blind squirrel POTUS. I can envision Biden during a news conference: Hack: There's much in the news regarding the unrest in SE Asia. How close are we to going to war with the DPRK? Biden: I'm glad you asked. In order to avoid war I've ordered all U.S. troops to stand down and return home by next Tuesday. If we're not over there those South Koreans can't do us any harm. Hack: Did you just misspeak? Biden: No, I never misspeak. South Dakota has been busting our chops ever since I was deployed over there in WW2. I used to bounce those little chinks off my knee and the hairs on my, uh leg would stand up. Hack: Where's Hunter? Biden: Where do you think my Drug Czar would be?
  8. Once was bad enough but to keep doing it over and over is most likely criminal. -)
  9. Are you saying Maxine has dirty skin? Next you'll be adding a little bleach to the laundry, eh?
  10. He's no Jimmy Stewart. 182 federal judges confirmed in the last three years.
  11. Joe, who has steadily been losing weight went on to say that the River Kwai bridge project should be completed in time that the bullet train project finishes up. Here's Joe, wondering when they moved Anaheim to the Tucson area:
  12. Fortified with her kitchen cabinet of Jim Beam, Jack Daniels and and some woman called Pravda.
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