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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. I saw that in the debate last night. If he couldn't afford childcare what did the kids do during the day? A baby sitter probably made $2 an hour then if he/she were lucky. Hunter was probably put down in front of the tv and watched reruns of Sgt Bilko, just to get some ideas.
  2. A few decades ago you might have been correct. Mostly I enjoyed the years I lived and worked there in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties. I didn't enjoy seeing the homeless camped out under the Moreton Bay Fig Tree in Santa Barbara years after I moved from there though. I mostly pity those left there now because they've elected politicians that have no comprehension of what it takes to have successful government. It's a beautiful place made ugly by people that have no relationship with reality.
  3. It's an aphrodisiac and a sex tool all in one. Of course he's interested. He might even want to blow that horn.
  4. You have no idea how much time and effort I've given to speaking out against the exploitation of children. I've made a point on other forms of social media to speak out against child trafficking. Just because I mention elite pedo rings does not mean that is all I am concerned with. I also back ways to reduce trafficking such as border security that I don't recall you ever having an interest in. So, pooh pooh all you want when the subject of pedophilia or trafficking comes up but realize that the thinking person here just knows that from your lukewarm responses all along you don't take those seriously.
  5. I believe that JA is personally convinced that his status as an "Empty Chair" gives him the right to ignore the preponderance of evidence concerning the widespread scourge of pedophilia amongst the elite. He either doesn't believe or is just oblivious to the fact that he, by his burying his head in the sand is nothing more than a pedophile enabler.
  6. If the overall situation wasn't so sad this would be hilarious. Iran announced today that they had arrested all those involved in firing the missile at the plane. Seems like this government video is taking the opposite tack from the government itself. Someone should warn Lizzie Warren that the country of Iran may be overtaking her for the Forked Tongue Award this year.
  7. https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/12/world/aboriginal-australia-fire-trnd/index.html The fires in Australia have been burning for months, consuming nearly 18 million acres of land, causing thousands to evacuate and killing potentially millions of animals. They're showing minimal signs of slowing down. The Australian state of New South Wales, where both Sydney and Canberra are located, declared a state of emergency this week, as worsening weather conditions could lead to even greater fire danger. But a 50,000-year-old solution could exist: Aboriginal burning practices.
  8. It's the House's duty to make a case in the House of Representatives. It's the Senate's duty to try that case, not a new case brought about by the House in the Senate. Brit Hume is right on the money.
  9. Biden, laying claim to the very successful ACA debut. He's nuts.
  10. To speak with a forked tongue means to tell lies, to not be truthful, to be deceptive. To speak with a forked tongue may be interpreted as saying one thing but meaning another. It is an insult to tell someone that he is speaking with a forked tongue, as it is the same as calling someone a liar. Almost all authorities believe that the metaphor of a forked tongue refers to the forked tongue of a snake. A snake’s forked tongue is also called a bifurcated tongue. The snake uses his tongue to activate his vomeronasal system or his sense of smell. The bifurcation allows the snake to have a three-dimensional experience of smell. The origins of the idea of the forked tongue meaning to tell lies is at least five hundred years old, and is probably derived from the image of Satan as a snake, as depicted in the Adam and Eve story in the Old Testament. In the story, Satan appears to Eve as a snake and talks her into sinning or going against the will of God. He does this by telling her lies and appealing to her curiosity and hubris. The expression forked tongue meaning speaking deceptively or lying is first seen in the early 1500s, predating the first English settlement in America by about one hundred years. The term speak with a forked tongue became more popular in the 1700s, at which time it was ascribed to a translation of a Native American idiom. It is possible that such an idiom existed in some Native American languages, though it is just as likely that it was the English speakers who gave the term to the Native Americans. For a culture that does not revile the snake, the term speak with a forked tongue may be interpreted as to speak with two tongues, which could indicate to say one thing and mean another. https://grammarist.com/idiom/speak-with-a-forked-tongue/
  11. Has anyone contemplated the reasons for the House Dems not having a special prosecutor/counsel to investigate Trump's "impeachable deeds"? Instead they empowered guys named Schiff and Nadler (who basically have immunity for what they may say) to run the impeachment efforts in the House. Pelosi, otherwise known as the Wicked Witch of the West, has morphed into an even slimier partisan hack than ever before.
  12. That's like Dave Schultz trying to draw Wayne Gretzky into a fight. Not an even trade off.
  13. That's called "speaking in stereo". Kerry is the Bose of speaking out of both sides of his mouth. It's almost surround sound.
  14. Who? Oh, you mean that woman he dated to appear straight?
  15. Count all the digits on one hand. Subtract the thumb. Most people will come up with the number "4" unless they have missing digits or their name is Tiberius.
  16. Why didn't Qatar's Foreign Minister Ilhan Omar make the offer?
  17. That's not what the present rules say though and we know Leader Pelosi is a stickler for the rules.
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