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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. You somehow must have picked up the wrong story to go with that picture. I distinctly remember her referring to Bernie's feeling of inadequacy when that picture was taken.
  2. Well spoken and articulate guy. I wonder if he's clean too?
  3. “It is absolutely not my view that Joe is corrupt in any way. And I’m sorry that that op-ed appeared,” Sanders told CBS News. The statement above is as telling a statement as there can be. So Bernie, Joe's actions are ok?
  4. Up until now they were just sighting in their rifles.
  5. I was referring to your recent interaction with Azalin in this thread above. Joe in Winslow is known for suggesting flouting our laws in favor of vengeance. Being on the same corner with him is well explained here:
  6. Your interaction with Azalin along with the quote I posted from you, leads me to think you might be standing on the same corner as Joe in Winslow.
  7. So, act like a banana republic but don't expect to become one?
  8. Dershowitz has long been known as a left leaning constitutional scholar. There's little evidence that he was involved in sex crimes. I can't think of a better person to address the constitutionality of this impeachment and the left will have a tough time invalidating his testimony. I posted earlier in either this thread or another that Dershowitz is not actually on Trump's team and his testimony is to be limited. This allows both Trump and Deshowitz to remain at arms length. I expect that at some point in time that a past democrat comment favorable to Dershowitz will be thrown back at a democrat denigrating Dershowitz during the Senate trial.
  9. Dershowitz is not exactly on Trump's team. His job is not to argue a case but to pontificate regarding the constitutionality of this particular impeachment. Dershowitz is a liberal but has decried the unconstitutional aspects of this impeachment from the start and has received personal backlash from it from liberals. Why not listen to what he actually says rather than skewer him now for it?
  10. While I tend to agree with you in general, a picture reportedly found in Buck's home depicted Schiff along with a partially clad black guy and what looked like drugs on the table. Buck has been indicted on picking up black guys, having sex with them and helping them to overdose.
  11. Ask what Harry Reid would do and say. Hint: "It worked, didn't it"?
  12. I have posted 3 pics here of Adam Schiff in gay apparel, therefor proving that he shares the responsibility along with Jack Buck for the deaths of multiple black men during sexual encounters. The proof is incontrovertible. My case against Adam Schiff is as convincing as the dems case against Trump. In addition, "pencil neck" is not the only reference to Schiff's body parts starting with "pencil". With that in mind it becomes crystal clear that Schiff suffers from adequacy issues making him guilty as Hell and a dead man walking.
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